XXIII: For Better or Worse

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"He was the last thread suspending me in the light. Without him, I can feel myself spiraling downward, falling to a place where I can no longer pull myself back up." ― Marie Lu, The Young Elites


After instructing Selina Kyle to wait in an outer hallway of Wayne Manor, Jim found his way into the study where Bruce, Alfred and Bird were all waiting on him.

"Morning." He greeted, with a nod to the trio.

"Yes, it is morning, Jim." Bird commented, her lips pressing into a thin line as she paused for dramatic effect before adding, "I typically work nights, you know. So when I get woke up at the crack of dawn to you calling me it sort of throws my entire day off."

"It was hardly the crack of dawn." He argued with her before defending, "And I wanted to speak to all of you together, it's important."

They listened as Jim told them that a witness had come forward from the night Thomas and Martha Wayne had been killed, someone who saw the face of the shooter just before he put his mask on. He told them of his hope that they'd let her stay at Wayne Manor until the trial.

"She sat down with a sketch artist and this is what we've got now." Jim said as he opened a folder and pulled the sketch out, looking it over before he sat down next to Bruce and handed him the paper. "This is the man who killed your parents."

Taking the paper from him and holding it with shaky fingers Bruce looked the sketch over as Jim questioned, "Do you recognize him, Bruce?"

"No." He said, with tears in his eyes as he spoke and handed the sketch off to Bird who also agreed she'd never seen the man in the sketch before either.

"What's her name?" Bruce questioned, curious about who'd been in the alley and saw the entire thing happen.

"Selina Kyle." Jim answered.

"I've heard that name before." Bird realized, though she wasn't sure she could put a face to the name.

"Do you believe her?" Bruce asked Detective Gordon.

"Yes, I do." He answered.

"Are you sure?" Bird questioned walking over to him and handing the sketch back.

"Yes." Jim asserted, his eyebrows lowering as he questioned, "Do you have a reason not to?"

"I don't know her." Bird shrugged, "But I know it's tough out there on the streets and some people are willing to say or do anything to get a roof over their heads and a couple of hot meals."

"She's putting herself in a lot of danger by coming forward with this. I believe her." He argued.

"And you want her to live here with us, do you?" Alfred questioned, "A common street criminal?"

"She's hardly older than Bruce. She's just a kid who's seen too much... this is for her safety. The GCPD is full of moles-"

"Right and how long would you have us put her up then?"

"I don't know." Jim said in a quiet voice and faint shrug to match.

"No, the answer is no." Alfred declined. He wanted the real killer of Thomas and Martha brought to justice, but not if it would put Bruce in immense danger to do so.
He couldn't justify that.

"Alfred!" Bruce exclaimed, looking over to him but he was met with a stern look before Alfred looked to Jim and said, "Her being here would put Master Bruce in great danger."

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