XXX: Here Comes Trouble

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"There is love in me the likes of which you've never seen. There is rage in me the likes of which should never escape. If I am not satisfied in the one, I will indulge the other." ― Mary Shelley, Frankenstein


Jim pulled the door open to the club and walked in, his every step felt heavy as he rounded the corner to the sound of classical music playing.

Earlier that week there had been a shootout at Fish's club and since then no one had seen the underboss of Falcone's. Knowing that Oswald had been trying to push Fish out from the beginning when he ratted on her to Montoya and Allen, he'd had a feeling that Oswald might be at the club.

It was for a good cause, he told himself, trying to justify his actions. He was there to ask for a favor from Oswald, something he hated himself for doing –but if being aided by a criminal was for the greater good than maybe there was some logic to it.
And somehow, knowing that no one but himself would know, made it easier to stomach.

Walking into the main room of the club, Jim slowed to a stop realizing he'd inadvertently crashed some sort of small, private party. There was a decorated cake on one of the tables, champagne on another and a live band on the stage, an older woman he didn't recognize was dancing with one of the men he'd seen working for Oswald.

And even more surprising still was when he looked off to the side he saw Oswald was slowly dancing with a girl, who's head was on his shoulder facing towards the stage and away from him. His eyebrows lowered with a slight confusion as he quickly realized that he and his partner were dancing completely out of sync with the band.

Shaking his head at the sight in front of him, he internally started to talk himself out of staying to speak to him.

"Jim!" Oswald called out, upon seeing the man he now considered to be a friend standing in the club.

The detective offered a small smile and nod in his direction –which quickly changed to a staggered expression when the girl Oswald had been dancing with raised her head and looked at him and he realized it was Bird.

Jim looked between the pair as they started to walk towards him, both of them with their party hats off centered. Oswald looked ecstatic, smiling ear-to-ear, while Bird didn't seem quite as pleased.

"Come in." Oswald said, motioning with his hand as they walked closer. He pulled his hat off and sat it down on a table, but Bird kept hers on.

"Another handsome man at the party, I'm so lucky." Gertrude said, as she caught up with her son and stepped in front of him, offering her hand to Jim.

"This is Jim Gordon, the detective friend I was telling you about." Oswald explained to her, watching as Jim awkwardly raised his hand to accept hers, but it was clear from the manner in which she extended her hand that she expected a kiss on the back of her hand rather than a shake.

"Oh, so nice to meet a friend of Oswald's." She smiled, and took Jim a few moments to understand her as her thick accent was slurred from the large amount of champagne she'd been drinking in celebration, "I'm Gertrude Kapelput."

"Nice to meet you to... Mrs. Kapelput." Jim politely replied, eyeing Oswald and Bird before he lowered his head and pressed a quick kiss to the back of her hand, in response she let out a pleased hum and Oswald stuttered, "Uh, m-mother... Jim is here to discuss some very important business."

Bird held back a laugh as she watched Oswald turn his mother around and send her back towards Gabe who was waiting to pick back up with their dancing.

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