XXXIX: Sold my Soul

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"Friendship is a single soul dwelling in two bodies." -Aristotle


~(A month later)~

"What's the point of an apology? I'm dead anyways." The man said, as his fearful gaze fell back to his rope bound wrists.

"Falcone  wants an apology." Bird said with raised eyebrows as she stared down  the man knelt at the edge of the dock. Her eyes looked out over the  usually dark water, which seemed ever more treacherous in the dim glow  of the evening. Letting out a sigh she said, "Come on, Matty, you're  dead anyways. Might as well go out with a clear conscience."

"I  was only trying to-" He began to defend his actions until Bird kicked  one of the cinder blocks off the edge of the dock that was chained to  his lower half, and Matty let out a terrified gasp and fought against  the pull towards the water it was putting on him.

"You refused to  pay your tariffs... and some of your guys have been talking about you  wanting to take over." Bird explained, walking to the other side of him  and kicking another block off into the water, making him struggle more  to stay up on the wood instead of falling into the freezing cold water.

Sweat  was beading across his forehead and pooling on his upper lip, as he  struggled and with his face in a grimace he hissed between his teeth,  "You want to kill me, bitch? Fine! Go ahead, get it over with but I'm  not going to spend my last minutes on this earth as a coward pleading  for my life!"

With a smirk, Bird stepped forward and kicked  another block into the water and this time his body started to slide  backwards towards the water, "Wait, wait, wait!" He screamed growing  evermore panicked as he grabbed at the wood with his bound hands and  tried to plant his shoes firmly against the edge.

"Thought you  just wanted to get this over with?" She smirked, placing her boot  against the next block she'd neatly lined up at his sides, with a smile  on her lips that chilled him to the core she added, "Bitch."

With  the addition of the next block breaking the surface of the water, his  terror and dire situation fully came to light and his body shook as he  struggled to stay on the dock with every single muscle in his body.

When  he saw her going to kick another block into the river, he screamed,  "No! No! Wait, Wait... tell Falcone –t-tell him I'm sorry!"

Kneeling  down in front of him to make eye contact, she smiled widely as she  cooed, "See? It wasn't that hard was it?" As she went to stand back up  she patted the top of his head and added, "Good boy."

Letting out a  small sigh of relief as if his apology was going to spare his life, he  lowered his head and tried to catch his breath, but the reprieve was  short lived when she kicked the next block in and with it his body  dropped from the edge of the dock and he barely had time to grasp onto  the edge and keep his head up –a difficult task with his wrists being  bound.

Gasping and fighting for a breath while he struggled to  stay above the surface he pleaded with her for mercy, but was just met  by a blank expression as she stood in place and watched him fight a  losing battle.

Hearing someone clear their throat from behind her,  Bird turned around to see Victor, his black clothes had even darker  blotches on them from the blood of his latest victim.

"Hello." She greeted, with a smile before glancing behind her to the still struggling man.

His  dark gaze moved past her briefly to the man fighting for his life,  before he looked back to Bird and instructed, "Hold out your hand."

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