Zayn *9

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Zayn *9

Zayn had never felt so helpless in his life. All around him, people were bustling around, calling neighbors, friends, the cops. No one knew where Felicity could have gone. Felicity had been missing for a few hours and since the natural time wait before you can report a missing person is 24 hours. It was barely noon and they didn't know how long she has been missing so they had no choice but to wait till the next day.

Zayn didn't know what to do. And at that precise moment, he did the only thing he could have done. No one noticed him or even gave him a side glance that acknowledged the fact that he was leaving. Once he was outside, he hopped into his truck, starting the engine and quickly backed out of the drive way and began driving all over the city.

He was unfortunate to realize that he didn't really know Felicity all that well. He had come to this realization when they had called him during rehearsals. They had bombarded him with questions, asking him if he knew of any place Felicity could have gone. He had answered them with the park. And that's all he could've answered and it didn't help them because they had already checked the park- twice.

As soon as he left their quiet neighborhood, his eyes darted in all directions, hoping to catch sight of anything that might indicate or hint on to where Felicity might have gone. But of course, since it was a busy day in London for some insane reason, he couldn't make out a figure from the crowd. Frustrated, he punched the wheel, causing a loud horn to frighten several of the people around him. But he couldn't bother to send them any apologies because he was getting sick with worry.

Questions were racing through his head.

Where is she?

What happened?

Did I do something wrong?

And the major one that repeated itself after each: Why?

Then, at that moment, he realized, he didn't know her at all.

He was at another stoplight (probably the hundredth one) when he decided to try her mobile. He knew that it might still be off but he hoped that maybe, she had turned it on again. His fingers were drumming the wheel in anxiety, his eyes continuing to search for her through the crowds on the streets.

"Hello," a voice rang out hoarsely.

Zayn let out a breath of relief. "Felicity! Where are you?"

There was a slight hesitation on the other line as she let out several more breaths. "I- I don't know," she stuttered out. "I just woke up here, and-and I don't know how I got here." Felicity sounded terrified. But at least she was alive, a voice in his head added. He agreed.

"Okay, can you describe where you are to me? Anything at all?" He pressed on, urging her to look at her surroundings. He hoped that wherever she was, he was able to reach her.

He heard a ragged breath through the line. "I'm surrou-surrounded by water. And I-I'm under this bridge. Z-Zayn I'm cold," she whimpered. Zayn didn't answer her, his mind reeling through any places that might have that setting. His eyes bulged at the realization. She was at the London Bridge.

"Hold on, I'm coming, I know where you are! Just wait for a little longer."


"Stay on the phone with me, Felicity."

"I'll try. I don't have much battery left."

Zayn shut his eyes for a brief moment. Finally, the light turned green and he sped off in the direction of the bridge. It didn't take him long to get there, thankfully. He parked his car carelessly by the bridge, leaving the keys in the ignition as he exited the car and looked around. His phone by his ear, "Felicity, where are you?"

"I can hear you. L-look down." Through the phone, he could tell she was shivering. He had to find her soon, before she got sick from the terrible cold weather that they were having. Zayn leaned over the railings, searching around. He ran to the other side when he couldn't find anything. Finally, in the distance, he was able to make out a form. He had no doubt that that was Felicity.

Unfortunately, he didn't know how to get her. Zayn looked back down at the distance, swallowing his nerves. He had to do this for her. He had to save her. Zayn inhaled one large breath, calming his beating heart, as he grasped the railing. He placed one foot at a time on the other side of the rails, slowly moving in the direction of the columns that held the bridge up.

He repeated a mantra in his head to inhale and exhale and that he was doing it for Felicity. It helped, a bit. Once his foot made contact with the column, his heart slowed down a bit and he sighed in relief. He leaned forward, getting a tight grasp on the material and slowly made his way down. Since the form was closer now, he could make out Felicity's dark hair and shivering form. He quickened his decent, and carefully scurried to her side.

When Felicity caught sight of him, she pulled him into an embrace, her shivering hands, wrapping around his neck. Zayn slipped out of his jacket and threw it over Felicity. Then he took both of her hands into his and rubbed at them to get them warmer. He focused on that. Getting her body heat back to its normal temperature.

"Y-you found me," she stuttered, a slight fog coming out of her mouth from the cold. Zayn finally made eye contact with her, seeing the gratitude shining in them. He looked closer though, trying to see why she was here. When he found nothing, he struggled more, hoping that she'd just tell him. And when she didn't he pulled her into another embrace.

He leaned back on the wall, pulling her over his lap and rocking her back and forth. Felicity nestled into his neck, her cold breath causing shivers to go down his spine. She had entwined her arms around his neck and hugged him back even tighter.

"Thank you," she whispered repeatedly as she showered his neck with light kisses. "Thank you."

Zayn didn't protest, simply answering her by pulling her in tighter and trying to get her warmer. He buried his face in her hair, taking in her aroma as she continued what she was doing. He kissed the back of her ear, the warmth causing a shiver on her this time.

They continued to do that until Zayn thought she was warm enough. He loosened his hold on her but he didn't let go. "We need to call your family, they're worried sick."

She nodded, her head laying on his shoulder, her face buried in his neck still. Zayn pulled out his phone, dialing Melody's number. She answered quickly.

"Zayn! We still haven't found her! I don't know where she is, and I don't know if she's alive-" a sob cut her off.

Felicity's drew in a large breath. "Tell her I'm fine." Her whisper sent tingles down his back and he had to stifle a groan as he cut Melody's sobbing off.

"Melody, I found her."

There was silence on the other end. And then the sound of Melody calling everyone in. He could hear her relay to the other members that he had found her. Her voice came back on the phone.

"Is she fine? Is she with you? Where are you? Where'd you find her?"

"She's fine right now. Yes. London bridge."

He could tell he was on speaker as the murmurs got louder. Then somebody shouted to him, "We're coming to get you guys!" Then the dial tone rung.

Zayn slid his phone back into his pocket, squeezing Felicity as assurance. Although the question of 'why' still bounced in his mind. He drew in a breath and finally asked her. "Why?"

At first he didn't get an answer. He repeated his question. Zayn felt her draw in a breath as she clung on to him even tighter.

"Because it's the only place that seemed right."

A/N: I'm so sorry for the late upload but I swear that this time, the next chapter will be up no later than two weeks! I promise! And I know I didn't get my goal for winter break but hey, I uploaded right? Anyways, this one actually helped flow into the next chapter.

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