Felicity *5 Part 2

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London Bridge (Felicity *5) Part 2

Song: Just The Way You Are

Picture: It'll come to me... Or any one of you can send me a link or st

Felicity's hair blew in the wind as Zayn pulled her behind him towards the London Eye. Her right hand was grasped inside Zayn's warm hand while her free one was clutching her chest as to not hit anyone. Her cheeks were flushed, but she didn't know whether it was because of the cold weather or her hand in his. She was really happy that her cheeks couldn't turn red.

"It's just right here, you could see a bit of it beside the Big Ben," he announced. They stopped at a stop light.

Felicity gave him a smile and a roll of her eyes as she leaned her one arm on her crouched knee. "You, my dear friend are a fast walker," she panted as she stood back up straight. Zayn scratched the back of his neck shyly, and she couldn't help but think how cute he looked doing that.

She mentally slapped her head, averting her gaze somewhere else. But they moved someplace that made her cheeks warmer. Although you couldn't tell cause she was naturally red in the cheeks.

(A/N: forgot to mention she was naturally a red cheeked, tan skinned, brunette. She's 5'6" btw)

She bit her lip, not knowing whether to tell him about it or not. Then the light blinked, and she was again, gently pulled toward the direction of the London Eye. She heard a quiet crowd of screams echo in her ears and she looked back. However, she only got a quick one second glance before her focus was put towards the beautiful ferris wheel that was known all around the world.

"Its so beautiful," she whispered.

Zayn grinned at her, pulling her up the line. "Wait until you get on it, it gets better." He turned back to the front of the line and Felicity's gaze immediately went to the ground where his foot tapped anxiously and giddily.

"Calm down," she grinned up at him amused, her hand placed on his upper arm. She hoped that the gesture would calm him, but a light shade of red colored his cheeks. She pulled back, biting her lip timidly.

He let out a slight chuckle. "Sorry. I haven't been here in a long time. Especially with a girl like you."

Her eyes never left the ground as she asked," A girl like me?"

She could sense him nod, and before he could answer her question, it was their turn. Unfortunately, unlike the rest of the passengers before them, they weren't able to enter the car normally. Instead after a split second of hearing a loud crowd of screaming girls, a late second thought of where it was coming from, then came the shove from four boys.

"Excuse me mister, can you please shut the door before they," the blonde head with the Irish accent- the familiar Irish accent- asked pointing to a quickly growing crowd," get to us?"

The man nodded understandingly, and quickly shut them in. "Oh thank the Lord."

"Speak for yourself, I think one of them took my wristband."

"I think they cut off a piece of my hair, doesnt this piece look oddly shorter than the rest?"

"Well at least they didn't get my," he started patting his pockets," Oh no! Where is my car- oh here it is."

"Dear lord," Zayn groaned under his breath as he shook his head. All the while, Felicity tried to stifle her giggles. "I can't believe they could find me here, of all places."

"Well maybe fate wants the world's best boy band to be together 24/7," she joked with a happy grin, the laugh escaping her lips. He rolled his eyes humorly. "C'mon, it can't be that bad if most of the female population in this world loves you guys."

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