Chapter Five

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We were silent for a moment. Newt was picking at a thread that was loose in his blanket. I caught myself staring at him and and looked away.
"Wonder why you were named Newt?" I said. He looked up with a smile that made my cheeks red.
"Isn't it obvious? He's skinny and has a fondness for crickets—why not name him that?"
We looked to the door and saw Minho standing in the doorway.

"Yeah, whatever shuck face," Newt said.

"It's true!"

"Have you ever seen me eat a bloody cricket before?"
I froze.
"What's wrong?" Minho took a step forward and Newt looked at me.
"Terra," I said. They stared at me.
"That's my name. I'm Terra."
They smiled. "Welcome to the Glade, Terra," Minho said.


We talked for awhile, and most of my questions got their answers. I was finally understanding everything.
My elbow still hurt, but I ignored it; I didn't want to show my weak side yet or something.
It was well past midnight when Gally came in. We decided to get some sleep and I pulled my blanket up to my chin.
"Night, Gre—Terra," Gally said. I smiled.
"Goodnight, Gally. Minho, Newt," I replied.
"Night," Newt and Minho said, almost in unison.
Maybe Gally wasn't so bad after all. Maybe that's how he was all the time, and you just have to get used to him. Maybe we could be friends, like Newt, and Minho, and Chuck.

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