Chapter Fifty Seven

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Nahla Reese

"Frankie,Shooter!?" I yelled coming down the stairs from my room "Tony!? I called out but still got no response. "Frankie,Tony,Shooter!?" I yelled again but nothing.

I reached the last step walking into the kitchen seeing Savage walking in through the back door. She's been staying here these past few days helping me adjust to not having my brothers around.

It's been a whole week since my brothers left and I felt empty and lonely. I haven't even talked to Mir which was also driving me crazy. But I knew he was busy following his dream and would talk to me when he was free so I wasn't really tripping.

"Have you seen the guys?"I asked her grabbing a water out the fridge "And what you doing?"

"Tony and Frankie are out front. Shooter left out and I was sitting in the back enjoying the sun but I think Ima make me some to eat. You want some?" She asked opening the fridge looking at what we had

"I was gonna see if they could buy us some food but if you want to cook instead I ain't gonna stop you"I laughed putting my hands up

She looked at me and then around the kitchen closing the door looking back at me

"See if they'll order us some Texas Roadhouse" She smirked

"Ou that actually sounds good right about now"I smiled running out the kitchen through the living room and out the front door seeing Tony and Frankie leaning against one of their cars. Frankie was on his phone and Tony was lighting a blunt.

"What ya'll doing?" I asked causing them to look up at me

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"What ya'll doing?" I asked causing them to look up at me

"You good La?"Frankie asked putting his phone away

"Yeah. I was just hungry"I shrugged smiling

Tony laughed taking a hit of the blunt inhaling the smoke. Watching him made my mind go back to the first time Mir and I smoked. It was my first and last time ever getting high. It was also the last day I seen Trey alive. Ever since then I never picked up a blunt ever again. I couldn't because I felt like If I ever got high again then all I would see is Trey's dead body.

"Nahla"Tony called out snapping me out my thoughts

"Huh?" I asked

"You good?" They asked looking at me concerned

"Yeah my bad. Day dreaming" I laughed it off hoping they wouldn't question me anymore

"You sure?" Frankie asked

"Yeah I'm sure"I sent him a smile

"What you tryna eat?" Tony asked

"I don't know"I shrugged "What can I get?" I asked them.

Even though I wanted Texas roadhouse I still had to see if they weren't going to give me a budget or some on how much I could spend.

Dre and Tez said they wouldn't be able to send me money until Friday so I wasn't trying to waste the money I already had.

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