Chapter Twenty Six

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Jamir Coleman (Polo G)

"How you holding up in here?" Leilani asked from across the table

"I'm doing ight. Rather be at home but shit what can I do" I shrugged "Where's mom?" I asked

"You know she can't stand to see you like this"

"I know but I wanna see her man" I shook my head

"I know but all she do is cry. She blames herself for you being in here" She said

"What why?" I asked confused.

I never knew my OG blamed herself for my situation

"She says that maybe if she would've handled everything differently and talked to you instead of kicking you out then you wouldn't have gotten locked up"

"Nah she ain't got no reason to be feel bad. I did this shit. Ain't nobody tell my ass to hop off the porch. I chose to do this shit. No matter how many times people tried to push me in the right direction.I fucked Up on my own. Can't nobody be accountable for my actions but me"

"I know that but to her she was suppose to prevent it that. To her she was suppose to do everything in her power for us to be something in life" She said giving me small smile.

"That Shit hurt. Like I know we ain't 100 percent and our relationship rocky but I still love her to death I just wish she knew that"

"She do bro and don't worry you'll be able to tell her soon" she smiled

"When in 4 years? I ain't tryna wait 4 years to see her bro"

"No not in 4 years! I talked to your lawyer today and he said that he's going to try and say that the gun you had wasn't yours. I don't know how or what he's going to do but he said that if he's successful you can be out in two months max" She squealed getting excited

"You dead ass? Or you fucking with me?"

"I'm being for real Mir. He said to let him handle everything and that he was going to talk to you when he had the details"

Hearing that I was going to be able to be out of here soon honestly gave me some hope and eased some pain but I knew better than to be my hopes all the way cause shit can go left quickly

"Man I hope he comes through cause I ain't tryna serve 4 years in this shit. Don't tell no one though. If I do get out I want everyone to be surprised" I said looking around "How's Nahla though? Why she ain't come" I asked surprised that she ain't come.

"She's good. You know she took some of yo hoodies so she can sleep in them"She laughed "Even be sleeping in yo room sometimes. She really misses you" She shook her head still laughing

"She getting beat when I get out. I told her to leave my clothes alone! But where she at?I miss her so much Lani"

"She had a date with Tee" She said making me smack my lips "Why you smacking yo lips? Ain't that yo homie?"

"That Nigga ain't my homie no more. Nigga ain't even come see me or answer my calls so it's fuck him. He better not fuck with Nahla cause then I'll do life in a heart beat" I said honestly

I've been in this hell hole for 4 months now and not once have Tee or Leek came to visit a nigga.

My niggas Blast,Wooski,24 and even this nigga name Duckio have been coming every week and be on standby when I call. Be putting money on my books and everything.

"Nigga's true colors start showing when shit gets tough" She shrugged "but you sure this doesn't also have to do with the fact that you have feelings for Nahla?" She raised her eyebrow

"Man I ain't got no feelings for her. That's my right hand so of course ima have hella love for her"

"So you just gonna lie to me like that?" She crossed her arms and at this point I knew she wasn't gonna give up "You like that girl deeper than best friend shit. I can see it in your face when you talk about her or when someone mentions her name"

"Bruh fine I'm feeling her. Shit i love her maybe even in love with her but i ain't gonna tell her that. Especially when she got a nigga I ain't good for her" I admitted

I've had feelings for Nahla for a while now but just never took action.

I mean how can I not? She's the perfect female. Knows me better than anyone else and no matter what she's never left my side. She's goofy and outgoing. She's just amazing but I know better than to say anything.

I rather just let her be happy even if I don't fuck with her Nigga.

Nahla Reese

"What's wrong baby?" Tee asked grabbing my hand

We were on our way to my house now and I all of a sudden got a feeling of sadness come over me.

"Nothing I'm just tired" I told him as I got a message from Blast and from Tez

Blastie🖤🚀: Ima be staying at Wooski's tonight so don't wait up. Hmu if you need anything. I love you

Okay be careful and I will. I love you too

Tez👫🖤: Nana and Papa left OT again and I'm in Indiana handling some shit. So no one's going to be home. Be careful and call me if you need me. I left you a couple hundred on the kitchen table so you can eat

Okay be safe love you

I sighed texting them back we pulled up to my house.

"Thank you for today baby" I leaned over kissing his cheek

"Any time but you sure you good? You need me for anything?" He asked with concern all over his face

"No baby I'm good" I laughed a bit as I got the car closing the door

I walked inside my building. I walked down the hall to my door unlocking it.

Walking in I close the door locking it before throwing the keys on the little table we had by the door.

I really wasn't in the mood to eat or do anything really so I just walked to my room so I could change out my clothes and lay down.

I sat on my bed and looked at the pictures I had on my dresser of Trey and my parents. It was one of those days where they crossed my head frequently and made me miss them even more.

All I needed was a hug from them and for them to tell me everything was going to be okay. I was tired of feeling so alone.

I felt like I had no more fight in me. And now with Polo locked up I really had no one. Tez was always gone now and so were my grandparents.

"I need you guys" I whispered as tears fell.

I got up from my spot walking out my room and down the hall towards Tez and Dre's room. I walked in going into their closet where they kept the safe.

I sat on the floor putting the code in that Tez had told me a while ago for emergencies. Getting the safe to open I grabbed the gun from the save.

I checked making sure the clip had bullets. I closed the safe putting everything back where it was before running out the room and back into mine.

I sat back on the bed with the gun in my lap

"I'm sorry"

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