Chapter Forty Four

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Third Person Pov

With three more hours to go Polo's mind was spinning in circles. He was more than happy and thankful that the war was finally over and Nahla was safe and he was going to see her soon but part of him was nervous.

Like what was she going to say or do when she sees him? Was she going to be happy or was she going to dub him and ignore him? Every negative possibility was running through his head driving him crazy

The last thing he wanted was this to cause them to fall out because he can't see his life without her.

"Aye bro how much longer?" Wooski sat up asking

"Nigga you ask this shit every 30 minutes" Tez shook his head "Look at yo damn phone"

"Shit my bad a nigga just hungry" He said laying back down

They had rented a 3 row van so Blast,Wooski and Polo were all laid out in each row while Tez drove and Dre sat passenger.

"Here and shut up" Blast threw him a bag of chips along with his last Arizona so he could shut up

"Thanks broski" Wooski laughed opening the bag right away putting a few chips in his mouth

"We like 2 hours away now you can shut up and go to sleep"Dre said as he looked at the gps

This was turning into the longest road trip they ever took and it seem like the closer they got the longer it took.

They just wanted to have their baby sister back in their arms. It also didn't help that their grandparents returned from their trip and we questioning them like crazy about Nahla's whereabouts.

They knew it had some to do with their sperm donor but they wasn't gonna let it get to them.

Polo was scrolling through his phone trying to keep his mind off the situation with Nahla when a text from his sister Leilani appeared at the top of his phone screen

Lani❣️:Have you found her yet? I don't know how much longer I can cover for you

Yeah we found her. We on our way to Nebraska right now to get her

Lani❣️: Nebraska? Polo wtf? When was you gonna tell me?

Sorry a nigga forgot but I swear I'll be home tomorrow

Lani❣️: You better. Tell Nahla I love her

He responded okay before putting his phone back in his pocket closing his eyes. He was trying to go to sleep so that hopefully the time will go by fast.



"Nahla?" Leek called out walking into the hotel room with some food from the hotel restaurant

"In the bathroom" She called out as she looked at herself in the mirror.

She had just gotten out the shower and changed into some sweats and shirt she got at Walmart earlier that day. She couldn't believe that her nightmare was finally over.

The whole time she was with Tee she felt like her time was running out. She felt like in no time she was going to be reunited with her parents and brother. It was never a time where Tee didn't hold a gun to her head threatening her to pull the trigger. She wasn't a pussy so she ain't show him no fear. Which only made him mad and caused him to beat her

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