Chapter six

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Jamir Coleman(Polo G)

"My brother" Lala screamed

She was getting ready to run but I grabbed her stopping her

"G you can't go over there Lala"

"Fuck that, That's my brother" She snatched her hand from my grip taking off running causing us to take off running after her

"Trey" She yelled as she reached her brothers body.

"Ma'am you can't come closer" The officer said blocking her way

"That's my brother" She pushed the officer out the way falling next to Trey's body

"No Trey please. Please don't leave me too" She spoke crying her eyes out

It broke me seeing her this way.

The paramedics walked to her trying to put him on the stretcher but Nahla wasn't letting them

"Come on we gotta get her" Blast said running past the cop over to her

We picked her up moving her from the scene. She clung onto me hugging me as she cried watching them load her brother to the back of the ambulance.

"Mir he can't die"

"It's okay. He's going to be okay" I told her hugging her tighter but in reality I didn't know if he was gonna be okay.

At this point I can only hope that he was because I don't wanna see her in pain. I saw her once when her parents died and I ain't tryna go through that again.

"Wait can I ride with ya'll?" Nahla yelled as they got ready to take off.

The paramedics looked at each other for a bit before nodding their heads.

She let go and took off running towards them.

"Aye ima go with her" I told the guys

"Yeah go we'll meet ya'll up there" Leek said

I nodded taking off running too. Once we reached the ambulance they let on us on before closing the door.

We took a seat while they did whatever it was that they were doing to him

Seeing him in this state was making a nigga drop tears too. Trey was like an older brother to me. Shit all her brothers were. I grew up with them so it felt like I was losing a brother too but I was trying my best not to break down because I needed to stay strong for her.

"Trey please you can't leave me too" Nahla cried holding his hand

"Lala" We heard him speak

"Trey" She said but didn't get an answer

"He still has a pulse but it's going faint. We need to get there faster" The lady said

"Please don't let him die" She begged them and all I could do it pull her to me hugging her tight

Soon we arrived to the hospital and they quickly got us off the truck and took him in the back for surgery.

"Come with me to the waiting area. We'll let you know when he's out but make sure you have an adult with you" The lady said leading us out to the waiting area

"Ima call my grandparents" Nahla said taking her phone out walking away.

"Polo" I heard someone say

I turned around seeing it was the guys

"Hey I ain't think ya'll was gonna come" I told them

"Had too. We can't leave Lala alone right now. Shorty needs us" Wooski said "Where she at?" He turned around looking

"Over there calling her people" I told them and they nodded

"I told my people and they said they gonna pray for them" Blast said

If anybody knew Trey as much as I did it was him since he came up with us too. And his family loved Nahla as if she was their daughter so I knew they were gonna be worried too

"I gotta call my mama" I pulled my phone out unlocking my phone. Going to the contacts I scrolled until I got to my mamas number. I pressed it

"Mir where are you?"She asked right away

"I'm at the hospital mama"

"Hospital? Are you okay?" She asked getting worried

"Yeah I'm good but they shot Trey mama. He's in surgery" I told her as my voice cracked

"Oh no. Tell Nahla we're on our way"

"Okay mama"

"Hang on there Mir I love you" She said before hanging up

I walked back to the waiting area seeing everyone was already seated. I walked over to them taking a seat next to her.She wasn't crying no more which was good.

"Yo peoples coming?" I asked her

"Yeah they said they'll be here shortly"

"My mama coming too. You good?" I asked her

"I don't know what to feel at this moment. All I know is that I pray he makes it. I can't lose him Mir. I can't. My brothers are the only thing I got. They can't leave me" She said as tears started to fall again

"Nah don't cry Lala.Just have faith G" I wiped her tears away and pulled her close letting her lay on my shoulder

"Babies" My mama said coming in along with her family

She came up to us hugging us before taking Lala from me giving her a tight hug

"It's okay sweetie. Everythings going to be okay lala. I love you" She told her giving her a kiss on the head

"I love you too mama"

"What happened?" Her grandma asked

"I don't know granny. My friend dropped us off and he was already shot. Granny I'm scared" She went to hug her

"Don't be baby"

They walked off and my mom took a seat next to me

"How you feeling?"She asked me

"Not so good. He's like a brother to me too and then you seen how she was when her parents died mama I ain't tryna go through that again. I don't want her to go through that again" I told her

"I know son. My heart broke when her parents died. Not only were they good friends of our but the way she broke hurt my soul. But hurt the most was how it hurt you. I know that you're going to hurt more seeing her in pain and as a mother that's going to break me the most"

I just nodded not knowing what to say.


Few hours later

"Why they taking forever" Blast said putting his face in his hands

"For real man a nigga hungry" Tee said letting out a sigh

"You guys can head home. We appreciate you guys being here but you guys need your rest. Your parents must be worried" Nahla's grandma said

"Nah Mrs. Reese we not leaving ya'll until we know how Trey doing. Our parents know and they cool" Blast said

"Thank you Kevontae" She smiled at him. She reached in her purse pulling out a 50 "Here guys get you something to eat" She said handing him the money

"Thank you" they all said heading out

"You don't want anything?" My mom asked me

"Nah I'm good"

"Family of Trey Reese?" The doctor asked walking into the waiting area

"That's us" Her grandpa spoke getting up

"How is my grandson?" Her grandma asked

"I'm sorry to inform you but he passed away shortly after surgery"




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