Chapter Thirty Eight

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Damn y'all can give a bitch damn near 90 votes but choose not to until an update is at stake and I tell y'all?Wow y'all some cold mfkers 😭


Terrance Smith (Tee)

I watched as Nahla slept peacefully on my bed. I ain't mean to choke her that hard but a nigga's anger got in the way.

I looked down at her vibrating phone rolling my eyes as Polo's name popped up again. I walked over to her grabbing her hand slightly unlocking her phone with her finger print.

I went to his name blocking it. That nigga got me fucked up thinking ima let him messing with my girl slide

My phone went off with a text from the nigga from door dash saying he was outside.

I ain't have no food at the crib so I had to order food for her. I got up from my seat going to the door opening it

"Here you go" the dude said as he handed me the food

"Preciate it bro" I close the door walking back into my room.

I sat the food on the night stand so I could wake her up. After she passed out I gave her a pill to help her sleep the whole night.

"Aye Nahla" I called out gently moving her but she wouldn't budge "Nahla wake up" I hit her face gently and watched as she slowly opened her eyes.

She looked at me for a minute jumping up looking around realizing she was handcuffed to the bed

"The fuck you do" She said trying to break the handcuffs

"What it look like?" I said once I seen her trying to look around the bed "Looking for this?" I held her phone up waving it in front of her

"You do realize that once my brothers see that I'm not home they gonna come after you right?" She raised her eyebrow

"Funny you mention that because your brother Tez texted you this morning saying that him and Dre gotta leave for a few weeks to Miami" I laughed "So baby girl as long as I text them as you they won't suspect a thing" I went to sit back down watching her struggle

This shit was becoming easier and easier

"You won't get away with this. You think that Blast and Polo won't come find me? Nigga I share my location with all of them and you can't break my phone cause then my brothers will know"She laughed

"I'll simply stop sharing your location" I shrugged going to their contacts clicking the stop sharing location button. "This is your new home baby girl. Don't worry I'll find us a nice crib away from here to live" I laughed walking out the room so I could make a call

"Terrance let me go" She screamed

"Shut the fuck up" I yelled walking back in

"Nigga let me go" She yelled back

I walked over to the bed trying to get her but she kicked a nigga

"See I was gonna let yo legs and mouth free but you fucked up" I shook my head walking over to the other side of the room

I grabbed the tape and bandana getting on the bed. She tried kicking again but I grabbed her legs wrapping the tape around them.

"You're hurting me"She whined

"Maybe next time you won't be stupid" I snapped at her

"Tee it's too tight"

"Good" I laughed grabbing the bandana putting it in her mouth tying it "See I was gonna feed you shorty but fuck you" I gave her a little smack before getting off the bed

I ain't even crazy motherfuckers just be making me this way

I shook my head dialing my homies number

"Wassup Tee" He answered the phone on the 3rd ring

"Aye Lance I need a favor"


"I sorta kidnapped my girl and I need a place to keep her cause you know my parents gonna be back in two days"

"Fuck you mean sorta nigga? Fuck you do that for?" He asked

"Nigga don't ask questions just tell me if you got me"

"Yeah man bring her to the trap out here Milwaukee" He said

"Shit sayless. I'll be on my way in a bit" I told him hanging up

That shit was perfect cause that shit was about 2 hours from here so them niggas ain't gonna have no evidence that I had shit to do with her disappearance.

I walked back into the room seeing her still trying to get out the hold she was in

"Stop trying baby girl cause you ain't going no where" I told her as I took a seat on the bed next to her "Don't worry we about to take you to yo new crib until I can secure a spot in a different country" I kissed her cheek

At this point I wasn't doing shit cause I was in love with her or shit. I was doing it to hit Polo where it hurts. These two think I'm stupid or some? I know they had some shit going on and when niggas make me look like a fucking goofy. So these niggas gonna feel hurt.

I walked out to the garage turning the car on. I took the seats out from the back of the car so I could lay her down on the floor so no one could see her.

Finishing up I went back inside uncuffing her from the bed. She tried to fight me but I quickly cuffed her back up. Picking her up I carried her to the garage placing her in the car

"If you good I'll take the bandana off" I pulled a blanket over so no one would see but still making sure she could breathe.

I grabbed all my shit locking up before hopping in the car. I opened the garage pulling out. I pressed the button to close the garage before driving off.

I heard her moving around trying to talk. I reached back there taking the bandana out her mouth


"Where you taking me?"

"Don't worry about it" I told her focusing on the road

"Is all this necessary? Like really Tee? Doing all this shit for what?"

"To get back at yo nigga polo" I laughed "I might just use you as bait to get his ass to come get you and I'll kill both of ya'll so ya'll can live happily ever after in the afterlife" I laughed harder

"Tee please let me go"




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