Chapter Sixty One

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Third Person

Polo laid in bed caressing Nahla's cheek as she slept. He took in her features and had to admit that she was just so beautiful to him. 

"She finally sleeping?"Wooski asked walking in seeing Nahla cuddled up next to Polo.

Nahla had a really bad panic attack and couldn't calm down until her grandmother whipped up some tea that knocked her right out.

"Yeah she barely fell asleep a few minutes ago. What's everyone else doing?"Polo asked gently getting up trying not to wake her.

"Abuela just cooked so everyone's eating. I wanted to check on ya'll and see how she was doing"Wooski said motioning to a sleeping Nahla.

"Let's talk outside"Polo said leading Wooski out because he didn't want to risk Nahla waking up.

Wooski nodded taking one last look at Nahla before following Him out into the hallway. Closing the door they walked down the hall and down the stairs.

"What you thinking?"Wooski asked Polo because he could see that something was troubling him.

"I just fucking hate that she gotta keep going through shit man.Like I know my life ain't no walk in the park and I lost a lot but it don't compare to her man and it kills me that I can't take that pain from her. It scares me Wooski. How can I protect her if I'm across the fucking country? What if something happens to her and I'm not here?"Polo shook his admitting one of his fears.

"Listen Polo I know shit don't seem like it but shits gonna work out. And don't start second guessing yo decision. You doing this shit to get yo family and Nahla out of here. We got Nahla man. And look around. She got a whole damn army ready to go to war for her. Nahla's good but right now she does need you. And she don't need her boyfriend Polo cause that nigga ass"Wooski laughed causing Polo to mug him "Aye don't get mad cause you a horrible boyfriend"Wooski continued laughing

"Fuck you nigga"Polo waved him off

"Nah but for real though she needs her best friend Polo. The nigga that dropped everything the minute she called. The one that couldn't live a minute without her. That's the nigga she needs right now. She needs her best friend to be here for her. So do just that and everything else is going to fall into place"Wooski patted his shoulder before walking into the kitchen so he could eat before they finished all the food leaving Polo to stand there collecting his thoughts.

The words that Wooski just said about him as a boyfriend and him as a best friend were really getting to him and he knew he needed to do better. Nahla deserved better. Shaking his head he made his way back up stairs so that he could be there in case Nahla woke up needing something.

Once he reached the top step his phone went off. He took his phone out seeing it was his record label.

"Hello?"Polo  answered hoping it wasn't anything bad

"Jamir, How are you?"

"I'm ight but wassup?" He asked trying to get straight to the point

"We need you to fly back to LA tonight no excuses"

"Wait what why? I can't right now. I'm in the middle of a family emergency"He told them not believing what he was hearing.

"I'm sorry Jamir but if you're not here tonight then we're going to need to terminate your contract" The label said before hanging up leaving him speechless.

He couldn't leave Nahla but he also couldn't let this opportunity slip away from him.


"Savage you good?"Frankie asked her through the headset.

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