Chapter - 6 [ The First Rule ]

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The Twisted Lovestory- Chapter 6
[ Turn on music for good experience ]

Clay Bryce's Pov

Clay and the others are in back stage while some of them are preparing .
He peeked at the audience and seen a lot of fans waiting for them to come, he grabbed his mic as he glanced at Dave, Nick and Zak.

Clay : Look, i know we didn't chose to do this, we're doing this just to find them

Nick :  hey, we've been doing this for 1 year, i know that we got popular so quick but those two didn't even showed up to our concert

Dave : Oh shut up Nicholas,  this time, there's 40,000 who are gonna be watching us right now, i can sense them even they are far away.

Patches : Are you guys ready?? Take a deep breath , here in right side of the front row seat theres Wilbur Soot , theres the lead singer of LoveJoy ,he is gonna be watching us. Make sure to impress him

The  Band called LoveJoy where Wilbur was in and The Band Baphomet Stars were always fighting for the top spot.

Patches : Hey, mother fucker, are you even listening?? Are you just thinking of george the whole time?? What the hell is wrong with you

Clay : Patches , what time are we gonna end the show??.

Patches was their manager, she seems pretty cool and nice but she was little bit strict to the band members.

Every monster that came into the human world does have a Baphomet tattoo in their body, but concealed it with Make up.

2 year ago Clay sacrificed himself to open back the  portal to the human world just to see George.

He wanted to make sure that their memories are not fonna vanish as they walk cross the portal, thats why  Clay has to offer his life for them to walk cross the human world without hurting nor erasing their mind .

But he doesn't loose his life, the monters finally can walk cross the portal and can go back to the monster world whenever they want.

?? : Ladies and Gentlemen ! This is the moment that you all been waiting for!!!

The fans started squealing as they saw the band, one was with a guitar, 2 vocalist and a Drummer .

?? : Presenting! The Bethomet Stars !

The band showed up as they smiled at their fans.

Clay wanted to see what the lead singer of the Lovejoy , he Glanced at the front row and seen George, They looked at eachother .

His heart was beating fast as he saw george, he tried to hide his excitement as he whispers at the three .

" I think i found him "

The concert was much more lively and hyped up for some reason, the concert finished for 2 hours . they went back stage as Clay started panting and sweating a lot.

Patches started clapping as she was sitting on the couch crossing her legs.

Patches : Well done boys, all of you deserves a rest.

Clay wanted to see george so badly , as he was about to go out of the back stage, Dave suddenly pulled him.

Dave : Get it together!! I know that you wanted to talk to him so badly but remember the rules.

There are 1 rule for the monsters to do after they left the portal, and that they have to hide their identity even it was George or Darryl, they can't let them know about it, the only choice for Clay is to pretend that they don't know  George and Darryl.

The band share the same mansion sharing with patches, Quackity and Karl as well.

5 minutes later they went out of the back stage , paparazzi started taking pictures of them and Fans started to reach their hands to Clay.

Clay were signing autographs ,as he went pass George and Darryl, George suddenly Hugged Clay tightly.

Clay hugged back and thinking he was a fan.

George : I missed you so much, Clay..

Clay : I haven't seen you in my life, whats your name??

George : Wait..what??

Clay : Oh, im sorry..i have to go, nice meeting you.

As Clay were saying those hurtful words,  he wanted to go back and hug him tighyly,  but he was pulled by nick and went to their limousine.

Clay closed the door and sighed.

Patches : WAS THAT GEORGE-!?

Nick : I know you guys missed him, i do too, but we have to follow the rules.


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