Chapter - 17 [ Love Triangle ]

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The Twisted Lovestory - Chapter 17[ Turn on music for good experience ]

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The Twisted Lovestory - Chapter 17
[ Turn on music for good experience ]

After 3 hours , they had arrived at the private island . Wilbur dragged his and George's luggage out of the cruise ship.

George : Wilbur, im the assistant here, not you.

Wilbur : Uhh, yeah but this luggage is heavy, so let me insist.

George Looked behind him and saw Clay behind him, he was wearing his sunglasses and his shirt unbuttoned.

Clay noticed that George looked at him, he slowly smiled at him while Patches was Scolding him.

Patches : BITCH-- where the heck are you looking at, im talking here-..

Clay : Just keep talking.

Patches : Jeez..Whatever Clayton.

George went to their room, the room was larger than the other rooms that the other staffs stayed in

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George went to their room, the room was larger than the other rooms that the other staffs stayed in.

George : This is so huge, this is perfect for more than 5 people.

Wilbur : Nah, Manager Evan picked it for us, so that we would have a great time here. its like we're having a vacation.

George : Are you sure that we're sharing rooms with..Clay??

Wilbur : Hey.. Do you still love that guy..

George : You mean..Clay?? I do.. But i don't think he still remember me..

Wilbur : Then what's the point of liking him if he doesn't remember, i believe what you said to me about your dreams because i trust you. Why can't you just come back with me..

Wilbur grabbed his arm , George Let go the handle of the luggage and Wilbur suddenly pins him to the wall.

Wilbur : Im tired of being too nice George, If you can't remember the memories of our past, then ill make you fall inlove with me again. Because you only met him 9 months in your dream, and I've known you for 12 years.

George : W-Wilbur-?

Wilbur : Im not gonna let that guy steal you from me..

Clay arrived at the room as he saw the two of them, Wilbur slowly moved away as he glared at Clay and grabbed his luggage.

Clay : Looks like I've interrupted something huh.

Clay got jealous and wanted to seperate Him and George, he just started trying to hold his jealousy.

George : Clay, thats not what you think-

Clay : Nah, i don't mind if you two being Lovey-dovey. But aren't you two separated?

Wilbur : Do you have problems with that? You have nothing to do with it anyways.

Clay smirked George was trying to get out of the situation and went to the Bathroom.

George quickly shut the door and tried to calm himself, He quickly grabbed his phone and tried to call Darryl, but the Island had no Signal and there's no use of using his phone.

Time check 11 pm

Darryl was waiting for Zachary to buy his usual order . its unusual for him not to check by Darryl. Zachary thought that the Private island has a signal so that he just can text Darryl while he's not around.

" Ah, thats very unusual..He didn't come"

Darryl was checking his phone if he got messages from Zachary.

?? : Hey, that guy Zachary didn't come today, I wonder what happened to him.

Its almost closing of the Cafe, he puts down his phone and went outside. A teenager approached Darryl if she still can order. His eyes widen as he saw the girl.

?? : Hi! i was wondering if the store is closed i wanted to order something.

Darryl : LILCHUP-!?

Lilchup : You know me-?? uhh how did you know my name??

Darryl thought that she was just her look a like, but little did he know that she was the real person who caused suffering at Darryl.

Lilchup : Uhh..excuse me?? are you okay??

On the monster world, Witches can travel to the real world because they have books and spells for them to travel without the power from the high ranks. But witches cannot remember what they do if they come back through the mirror .

Lilchup from the Monster world already died but proceeds to keep going her life as a teenage girl in the real world.

While the Lilchup from the real world,She is Really nice, A whole different new person unlike her monster persona. But got bullied to her school and her life was miserable.

Darryl : I still can order..

Lilchup : Sorry if i bother, Can i get a Java Chip Frappuccino??

Few minutes later Lilchup left, carrying her school works and the way she dressed was different than before. She was now wearing her glasses and school uniform.


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