Chapter 19 [ Our happiest memories]

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The Twisted Lovestory Chapter – 19
[ Turn on music for good experience ]

Its been almost a week they've been staying at the private island . they already finished their shooting for their Music video , Tomorrow is going to be their last day of their stay at the private island, It was 8 in the night they already finished their shooting while the other staff were cleaning up the set.

Director : Good job Everyone, the cruise we're taking is going to arrive around 9 am, don't forget to pack your things .

George was watching them do their stuff , the cold breeze of air makes him shiver,  he was crossing his arms to gather heat while waiting for his roommates.

Clay went to George and noticed that he was cold, grabbed his jacket and gave it to him.

People were having fun drinking liquor and having celebration for the success finishing their Music video.

Clay : You're cold?? Here..

George : Uhh..its fine. why aren't you drinking with them?

Clay : I guess i just don't like drinking and You're really such a hard headed-

Clay slowly puts his jacket on his shoulder and chuckles.

George : Thanks, i guess..

Clay : How's your knees? it looks like its getting better.

George : Yeah, its not really a big deal..

George glanced at Clay while Wilbur was helping out the staffs to clean the mess . Few minutes later Wilbur went to find George and saw them talking to eachother, he slowly grabbed Clay's arm and Scoffs.

Wilbur : Having fun huh.. Your manager was looking for you

Clay : You mean Patches? Don't worry, I already talked to her.

George : Wait, Patches is your..manager??

Clay : Yeah. Anyways, wanna head back to our room?

Wilbur grabbed George's arm as he Glared at Clay.

Wilbur : You can go first , im going to talk to George for a bit.

Clay : Hmm..sure..

Clay Went to his room and he found Patches laying on the couch ,half drunk.

Clay : Patches?? what the fuck?? You're in the wrong room

Patches : That doesn't even matter. your room is like..spinning, why is your room cooler than ours, Director is so biased

Clay : Are you drunk?

Patches : Heck no, How's george?? have you two talked to eachother?

Clay : The problem is, Wilbur always gets in my way whenever im looking for a to spend time with him.

Patches : know, Wilbur a really great man after George lost his memories, he still waited for him even tho George--..

Clay : Patches,  are you on Wilbur's side or mine?? Geez what's wrong with you.

Patches  : But hey, i think George still likes you..

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