Chapter - 30 [ Close to learning about the truth]

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The Twisted Lovestory - Chapter 30
[ Turn on music for good experience ]

After a week that George moved in into his new house, he started to suspect that his neighbors were the same in his dreams. It was 1 pm, Darryl went to George's house to do their plan.

Darryl : What about we make them a garlic bread-!

George : Stupid! its supposed to be onion because Monsters hates them

Darryl : no- its garlic , im a hundred percent sure

George : I think its onion-

Darryl : Just-

George : Ill look it up! ill punch you if im correct

Darryl : Yeah do it, if im correct you're gonna be breaking inside Clay's house and look for evidence later night

George looked it up on the internet and Darryl wasnt wrong, Monsters does hate Garlic. Darryl went to check on him as he started laughing

Darryl : Told ya, Ill start making the garlic bread, its easy to make them anyways

George : Wait, you're just joking about what you've said just now, right?

Darryl : You do it, you wanted to know the truth . you have to work for it George-

George took a deep breath and sighs. He glanced at the window seeing the house next to him, Darryl went to the kitchen and he started making a lot of garlic bread.

Meanwhile the neighbor can smell the scent of garlic coming from their neighbor. Clay woke up as he smell the scent of the garlic he went to the living room seeing everyone covering their nose except Dave.

Clay : Who the hell is cooking garlic-

Zak : Looks like the neighbor is cooking something.

Patches was covering his nose with a napkin as she was closing the windows .

Zak : Is George trying to kill us or something?

Nick wasnt home since he went out with Alex and Karl to buy groceries, Zak grabbed his face mask and his sunglasses, Planning to go to Darryl's apartment .

Darryl finished making the garlic bread for just in few minutes , him and George went next door to give it to them. as he was about to ring the door bell , Zak opened the door and he's surprised to see both of them , the scent of the garlic is making him sick and made him nauseous. yet he was still pretending he's fine.

Zak : Oh, George its you- what makes you visit here?

George : My friend decided to cook you guys a food since my friend is trying to learn how to cook-

Zak : That looks pretty good , I didn't expect you to be our neighbor. what a small world

George gave him the food as Zak was smiling at him.

George : Take a bite and tell us what you think !

Zak : maybe Dave can taste this.

The others can hear their conversation as Dave decided to walk into the conversation.

Dave : Hey , Is this garlic bread? It looks good

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