Chapter - 33 [ Broken Trust ]

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The twisted lovestory – Chapter 33
[ Turn on music for good experience ]

For the last time, Darryl and George decided to go break into Clay's house , if they can't find any clues they might give up and just forget everything. Its 3 am they climbed through the ladder to Clay's balcony. This time Darryl wanted to see Zak's room just to satisfy his suspicion.

Darryl : Im gonna check Zak's room, just move on and look for clues George.

George : Alright , becareful Darryl

Darryl picked the door and successfully unlocked it and got into his room he went to look for clues, he inshead saw a picture frame of Zachary and Darryl holding their dog and few other pictures with Zachary together with him.

His heart almost stopped and he was shocked, He saw the Sunglasses that he have been using to trick him. Darryl grabbed the picture frame and the sunglasses to use it as a clue the feeling of him being punched in the chest after knowing he was too blinded for love, Falling inlove with the same person who he really despite at.

Darryl : Its my fault for being blind and getting manipulated by this monster. ill never forgive you Zak Ahmed.

He looked through him seeing him sleeping peacefully, as if he wanted to punch him .

Meanwhile George was still looking for clues, he was looking at the book shelves and saw a familliar book that had been used by Clay to open the portal,  his heart was beating fast and he seems hesitant to take it. He took a deep breath and grabbed it. he rushed to see darryl and he seems exited to tell him the good news

George : Darryl i have something to tell you .

Darryl : I know George. I just found out as well.

George : I don't know if i should keep doing--

Darryl was staring someone behind George as his eyes went blank, Someone grabbed George's arm from the back and pulled him.

Dave : So you two found it out huh-

Darryl : How could you lie to us! you made us look like we're dumb, why dud you sent us back to the real world!?

The noises from the hallway awakened the people at the mansion, they take a look whats going on and they were shocked to see the both of them.

Clay : George,  Darryl? why are you two here?

Zak also came to check and he saw Darryl holding his mask and the glasses. It clicked in his mind whats going on.

Zak tried to grab Darryl's hand and tried to calm him down.

Darryl : Don't you dare touch me !

Darryl slapped his hand away as he went closer to George, George Glanced at Clay and looks down, feeling disappointed to what they've done.

Clay : George i swear we didnt want to do this, but we have to follow the rules in order for us to stay in here

The situation has signaled the higher up of the Monster world, Dave doesn't want to do his job to punish his brother and his friend .

The room started to turn into pitch black as the portal started to open, one of the higher up senses that one of the monsters have broken the rule and they have to suffer a consequence. The higher up used a magic to make Darryl and George unconscious, Patches and Dave was looking after them while The higher up went to Clay and Zak.

?? : Clay Bryce and Zak Ahmed, Its your choice to choose either i will let you two stay in here and take all of your powers and make you a human, but the catch is. i will still erase yours and their memory and you two wont know eachother.

Clay : This isnt fair-

?? : The other option is, one of you has to sacrifice and i will make these two humans into monsters and they will become one of us. Its your choice to choose.

Zak : Give us minutes to choose, we will be back

Two of them went to check on Darryl and George, They woke up already and patches already explained to them what happened.

George : You guys went through that because of us..?

Darryl : I still wouldn't forgive Zak for what he had done, he manipulated me and-

Clay and Zak went inside of the room, Zak heard what he said and he helt guilty. he couldn't look at his eyes as it would just make him feel bad.

Clay went to hug George , George forgave him easily as he already knew that its the best for them to keep it a secret to keep them safe.

Clay : Im really sorry, I wanted to keep my friends safe.

George : i understand,  i forgive you-

Patches Hugged Darryl tightly as she chuckles

Patches : Come here you-! i missed you Darryl! don't be sad about it, Zak really wants to tell you the truth, right zak? Uhh..Zak??

Patches Glanced behind, looking for Zak but he's nowhere to be found.

Zak decided to sacrifice himself for the sake of Darryl,  he knew that darryl wouldn't forgive him anymore. As for Zak he still loves him and he wants the best for him.

 As for Zak he still loves him and he wants the best for him

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