Chapter 18 - [ Be Gentle ]

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The Twisted Lovestory - Chapter 17
[ Turn on music for good experience]

" Does it hurt?? "

" Yeah..Please be gentle"

" Don't worry, im being gentle "

" Take it slow, it hurts "

George's knees were bruised while Wilbur was applying alcohol on his bruise. He got tripped on the way back to their Room after the first scene shooting for their Music video.

Wilbur : Gee, i told you to becareful..

George : I Didn't even know that there was a rock in front of us

Wilbur chuckled as he finished cleaning his bruise, he stood up while George was sitting on the chair. Clay seems concerned and went out to find a first aid kit.

Clay went back and kneels, he got a wrapping bandage with him and started to wrap it around his knees.

Clay : Wilbur told me to get a kit, good thing that Patches had a aid kit .

George : Thanks, you two.. it didn't really hurt. i can take care of myself.

Clay Noticed that Wilbur seems worried even just a bruise, he scoffs and rolls his eyes.

While Zak got upset that he couldn't contact at Darryl, Patches brought food for them since they were sharing rooms together with Dave, while Dave was still outside doing something

While Zak got upset that he couldn't contact at Darryl, Patches brought food for them since they were sharing rooms together with Dave, while Dave was still outside doing something

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Patches : Dumbass- Why aren't you focusing on your job?? you're spacing out, are you alright??

Zak : I missed Dar-

Patches : Darryl? yeah, i do too , but you have to focus on your project

Zak : Hey, i don't wanna make you mad, and disappoint everyone, but i always secretly meet up with Darryl.

Patches : WHAT--!?

Zak : He doesn't know that im Zak, okay?? im pretending to be as a different person, im covering my face up, i can't even be myself, as long as i could see him thats already enough enough for me ..


Zak : Wait what, you're not mad??

Patches : Yes of course! We're going to be the bad Bicthes

Zak : What the fuck Patches, i shouldn't be telling you about this, i know you would act like this.

Patches : I know how you feel, 2 years without talking? i know it makes you crazy . Im gonna support you with that, as long you didn't reveal youself . i will cover you up when you really need it.

Zak : Thank you..

Patches : Yeah, now you should do your best so that Darryl would be proud of you, Now eat

Time check 7 am Darryl was on the way to his work and he saw Lilchup on the way to the school , Her classmate approached her and grabbed her from the back. They took her wallet and one of them pulled her hair.

Lilchup : Just take my wallet-! i don't wanna deal with you guys anymore!

?? : Hah, see you later Loser

They broke her glasses as they went first, leaving her behind . Darryl approached her and made sure she's okay.

Darryl : Are you okay-!?

Lilchup : Oh, its you- Im okay, those were my friends. They were just playing around..

Darryl : I don't think so, here . let me help you out.

Darryl picked the books are on the ground and she had multiple activities and homework

Darryl : Why do you have so much homework?

Lilchup : I made them for my friends.. So that they wouldn't mess with me...

Darryl : You're just gonna let them do this to you!?

Lilchup : Why are you acting like you know me-..

Darryl : Im sorry, im just trying to help you out..

Darryl Grabbed his wallet and gave him enough money for her .

Darryl : Next time, you're going to tell me if they're messing with you . ill deal with them

Lilchup : Thank you so muh sir! whats your name??.

Darryl : My name is Darryl, im pretty sure that we met before.

Lilchup : At the Local cafe right?? thank you so much for the money, ill give them back to you if i could save money.


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