Chapter - 16 [ Sharing rooms with who-? ]

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The Twisted Lovestory – Chapter 16
[ Turn on music with good experience ]

Wilbur usually got up early to cook breakfast for them,  today Wilbur Cooked George's Favorite meal and went to his room.

Wilbur knocked at the door , asking permission to get inside. No one answered .

Wilbur : George, im going in.

George was still sleeping in his bed,Wilbur sighed as he opened the curtains.

Wilbur went closer to George and Slowly caressed his hair. He remembered something  from the past as he slowly smiled.


Wilbur went in to his room , tryimg to wake up George.  He sat beside George while George was still  sleeping , he caressed his hair and kissed his forehead.

George woke up and saw Wilbur, he reaches his hand to Wilbur and hugged him.

George : Good morning, Are you hungry?

Wilbur : Yeah, thats why im waking you up . i made breakfast for us.

George rest his head on his chest as he closes his eyes.

George : I seriously have no idea how i could live without you, you're always everything for me..

Wilbur : Hey, Are you sleeping again??

George Starting to sleep while Wilbur was holding his back.Wilbur pats his head and chuckles.


Wilbur left the room as he doesnt want to interrupt George from sleeping, he ate breakfast by himself and started packing his things up to his luggage.

George had a dream of him and Wilbur , celebrating Wilbur's Birthday. they were at the balcony , Wilbur is singing a song for him and he finished singing he looked at the skies as he held his hand.

" The moon is Beautiful isn't it? "

George suddenly woke up, thinking it was just a dream, his heart started beating fast . little did he know he has small memories that he treasured from him and Wilbur. he thought that it was his just his dream messing with him but it was a flashback from his past how they became lovers.

George went to the kitchen , grabbing a glass of water to refresh his mind . he saw Wilbur eating breakfast .

Wilbur : Hey, goodmorning. how's your sleep?

George : I just had the weirdest dream..

Wilbur : Care to share about it?

George : I don't really know, its just us celebrating your birthday, You're singing with your guitar..

Wilbur : Wait what- you remember that-??

George : Huh-?

Wilbur stopped himself and started to remember that he doesn't want to force George their past.

Wilbur : I mean, that must be a great dream..

The next day Wilbur and George packed up their luggage and went to the Docks with the other staff, waiting for their Cruise Ship .

They're going to a private island that The Management rented for a week for their shooting on their Music video.

Wilbur's manager gave his room number to Wilbur, and he has to share with 2 people.

Manager Evan : You're gonna be sharing rooms with George and Clay for a week. but don't worry you guys have seperate bedrooms and the room that you guys are staying in are larger than the other rooms they have. im pretty sure thats the best one they can offer

Wilbur : Is there any way for us to change rooms?? i mean i want to have room for 2 people.

Manager Evan : Unfortunately there's no other rooms left. That would be easier with you because you're with your assistant with you

Wilbur : Ex Fiancé..

Manager Evan : Well, you hired him as your assistant.

Wilbur : Hey , i just want him to be with me, i don't want him to be like a prisoner in my house

Manager Evan : You're still the same Wilbur, I've been working with you for 3 years.

The Baphomet Stars have arrived and some staffs  are all eyes them as grab their luggage at the back of their car.

Except George, he was looking at the water as he was eating his sandwich that Wilbur made for him and feeding some bread at the seagulls 

Wilbur : Hey, we're going to Share rooms, is that okay with you? don't worry, We have separate bedrooms

George : Yeah, im fine with that, it would be really awkward if i get to share rooms with other staff members

Wilbur : But also, Clay is gonna be joining with us.

George : What--



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