Chapter - 15 [ Im Sorry for my behavior ]

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The Twisted Lovestory –  Chapter 15
[ Turn on music for good experience ]

Dave noticed that Zak has being weird lately , Leaving the work early than usual, he sence that he's hiding something.

after they finished rehersing, Zak quickly told Pacthes that hes leaving early.

Patches : Again?? where are you going??

Zak : Thats private, anyways ill be home late, just tell Clay that i wouldn't join them later.

Patches : Yeah sure, make sure you go home early.

Zak : Patches, you're not my parent, just leave me alone.

Dave Glances at Zak as he left the studio, He grabbed his phone and wallet.

Patches: Dave, Do me a favor, can you follow him? and tell me what he's been doing??

Dave : Don't worry, Thats what im about to do

Zak  Went to his car , Went to the local starbucks and Dave followed him , borrowing Patches' Car.

Dave : Im pretty sure you're seeing another girl again

Dave mumbled to himself  while following The car.

Zak went inside the starbucks, Wearing his sunglasses and Facemask

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Zak went inside the starbucks, Wearing his sunglasses and Facemask .

" What the fuck, Is he gonna rob the Starbucks.."

Dave went inside the cafe, without covering his face and he saw Darryl At the counter.

Dave's heartbeat almost stopped as he saw Darryl, he was Shocked as he saw Zak Talking to Darryl Calmly.

Zachary : Can i get the usual

Darryl smiled as he glanced at the entrance to see the customer who went in.

Darryl's face went blank as he saw Dave, they looked at each other  for a second as Zachary notice that he spacing out.

Zachary looked back at him and saw Dave , He started to pretend he doesn't know Dave.

Zak : Thanks, ill be leaving early today.

Zak went outside, walked pass Dave and didn't even greet him.

Dave : .....

Dave was trying to avoid eye contact with Darryl.

Darryl : Dave!! Do you still remember me-? i missed you!

Dave Called Patches just to pretend a fake phone call.

Dave : Yeah, ill be right back,

Dave was trying to keep himself distracted just to avoid talking to Darryl

he grabbed a tissure and Pen and wrote  " Ill order what that guy ordered  "

Darryl suddenly lost hope as he looked away. Dave wanted to apologize and he started feeling guilty.

he wrote something at the back of the paper and got his drink.

few minutes later felt embarrassed,  he noticed the paper on the counter and looked into it.

" Sorry for my behavior "

Dave left a large amount of tip for Darryl . meanwhile Dave got pissed at Zak because of what he did while ago.

Dave : What the hell are you doing Zak, you're disobeying the rules!

Zak : Im not! Dave, you can't force me to distant myself to Darryl, Im trying to redeem myself.  Im not the only one who missed him, you do too. Arent you his best friend?? what happened to that?? are you just gonna forget about that easily?

Dave sighed as he looked at Zak.

Dave : Then, you gotta be careful. Just don't reveal yourself, you'll get us into trouble , Zak.

Meanwhile George was in the studio , waiting Wilbur to come back. The people already had left the stadio except him ,Clay and Wilbur.

Clay grabbed his water bottle and offered it to George.

Clay : Hey, you've been here for a long time, who are you waiting?

George glanced at Clay as he started figeting his fingers.

George : thanks.

Clay : Aren't you the one that I've met at the Concert?

he opened the bottle as he drank the water, he grabbed his towel as he leans his back against the wall.

George : Yeah..

Jusy Him looking at George makes him calm and relaxed, he slowly reaches his hand to George's Hair , but as he was about to pat, he realized he almost lost his Control.

Wilbur arrived and saw Clay was about to touch his hair . he glared at Clay as he scoffs.

Wilbur : George, i got you some snacks. should we head home??

George stood up and went to Wilbur, he looked back at Clay and sighed.

Wilbur : Gotta buy something from the grocery,  right?

As Clay watches them walk away he felt hopeless, Patches arrived and walked pass at George and Wilbur.

Patches : Woah- Clay, that was Awkward...

To Be Continued

// sorry if i haven't updated for awhile, i just got really busy lately, i hope you understand

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