Part 2: New Kids on The Block

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P: I feel tricked.

Peter is pouting as he is sitting on the bed at the infirmary of Avengers Facility now. The Avengers moves to a new base after the tower is getting attacked by Ultron when you and the Avengers having a Christmas party.

You made Peter checking his bruises to make sure nothing happen to him. You know the second you told him no hospital you can't bring him to the Avengers Facility, they have pretty enough medical equipment and doctor to check on Peter. Fortunately, Tony thought the same and he drives to the Avengers Facility after getting you, Peter and him cheeseburger for lunch. As soon as he arrived at the Facility, the Avengers stole him for a meeting.

Y/n: hey, this is for your own good, kiddo.

You stroke his hair as you're waiting for him getting his treatment.

P: Then you should get checked on your bruise too.

Y/n: Oh I did that before you, when you're going to the toilet. Right doc?

The doctor who hears just smile at you as you already explained it to him in case Peter will bring it up again.

-Don't worry, Peter. Your mom is healthy. Very Healthy. She will be fine.

The doctor continues checking on Peter as you're standing still, looking at Peter who still feel betrayed.

-All right, I think everything is good. I mean, no internal bleeding or broken bone. Nothing serious and you will probably get better in three days.

P: See? I'm fine.

-But... It's still not make sense if this kind of bruises was caused by tripping from the bus.

You look at Peter suspiciously and you can see Peter's face is stiffened. You look back at the doctor.

Y/n: What do you think caused it doc?

-A pretty heavy fall and from a quite height.

You look at Peter, looking for answer. He looks at you for a while and give him a look. His eyes start waver and then he sighs.

P: Okay, I lied.

A second you hear that, you ask him in an upset and curious voice.

Y/n: Why would you lie? You know we promise we won't keep secret and lie to each other.

You feel some of your word is contradicting with what yourself actually done to him. About his father, his adoption and about everything that you thought is probably better to give him white lies, but you make that promise so Peter will tell everything about himself to you. You just don't want him feel he can't trust you or talk to you when you're the only person he can trust and talk to.

P: I just don't want to make you worried.

Y/n: I'm your mother, worried over you is my main job.

Peter just look at you and then you sigh.

Y/n: Now, will you tell me what really happen?

Peter is silent for a while before you called him again.

Y/n: Peter Benjamin (l/n).

You still call him by your last name as he still doesn't know that Tony is adopted him.

P: I fall- from stairs.

Your eyes are widen as you get more worried after hearing it, ready to scold him but Peter is continue talking as he probably doesn't want to hear your scolding.

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