Part 9: Break the News

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P: Dad? Da-

As soon as Peter said 'Dad', the man stands up, turns his back and runs towards the crowd. Peter wants to stand up quickly, chasing the man but he can feel pain on his arm.

P: Ouch.

As he feels the pain, he sits and lean his back to the building. He looks at the thief who now is being held by people. The gun fortunately is webbed before it was shoot, making the bullet didn't fired.

As the people's attention are on the thief and he feels his pain is starting to get away, Peter stands up and take his leave from the scene, swinging with the remaining of his web while thinking that he just really saw his father or not.


You're in the bedroom, reading some book about pregnancy. You read the book as it's been a long time since you're pregnant. You stay at the bedroom since you're afraid that you will get nauseous again when the maid is preparing the food for dinner. Tony now ask the maids to be in the house 24 hours to take care of the household and serving you. He really doesn't want you to even lift a finger. You're reading the book when you hear the door is opened and Tony comes inside.

T: Hey.

You smile at him and close your book.

Y/n: Hey.

He gives you a kiss on the lips.

T: How do you feel? Get a nauseous or something?

Y/n: I'm fine.

You nod your head and Tony holding your hand, intertwine with your finger.

T: Dinner is ready, do you want to have dinner downstairs or here?

Y/n: Downstairs, since I don't want to eat alone and...we need to tell the boys, right?

Tony forms a small smile on his face.

T: How do you think they will react?

You look up while pouting your lips, imagining how they will react.

Y/n: They will be surprised...happy, and...excited?

You look at Tony and found him just smile at you.

T: I guess that so. Should we record how they react?

Y/n: That's a good idea.

You wink at Tony and laugh together at him when his phone ring again. It's still Natasha that call him and unlike before he answers it right away.

T: Yes. Any update?

Tony's look changes to serious and you can tell that he has a lot of thought. He is sometimes glancing at you during his call.

T: Okay...I really can't Nat. I wish I can, but-

Tony looks at you with a lot of concern and tearing apart while you just look at him thinking about what he said and what will he say.

T: (Y/n) is pregnant. I can't leave her now.

You frown your forehead as he tells Natasha about your pregnancy. You haven't even tell Kate yet since you want to tell the boys first, but maybe it's the best so Natasha won't ask Tony again to be or go somewhere. You can hear silent from the other side for a second and then followed by 'congratulations' and any other word related to something about disbelief and congratulation.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 09, 2022 ⏰

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