Part 6: A Boy Who Misses Home

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Y/n: Did I say something wrong?

You look at Tony with a questioning look while he is driving car to home. After Kate left you and Tony in the restaurant, you keep thinking if there is something wrong you said to her and make her not even want to talk to you. At first you feel sympathy for her but now you feel upset at her.

Y/n: What I said is true, right? She is clearly still have feeling for him, so does Steve. You can see that too, right?

T: Yes, babe. I can see that too.

Tony answer you while his eyes is still on the road.

Y/n: Then why does she is angry?

Tony squirms his face as he looks for something right to say to you.

T: I don't think she is angry, I think she is more... surprised.

Y/n: Then why she is just not say it? Talk about it. Why does she just left us, like we are nothing? I'm her best friend, am I?

T: Yes, you are. Cap is mine too, but clearly you also aware that he doesn't want to talk about it. Maybe they just... need time to accept the situation.

Y/n: Well we can help them, aren't we?! But they decided to just leave us.

You look at the road and fold your arm in your stomach, feeling really upset about what Kate just did. You feel betrayed as you told and talked to her about everything, but she didn't.

Y/n: I'm really disappointed at both of them right now. If Kate call- or Steve call you, don't answer it, okay? We need to give them a lesson.

Tony doesn't answer you and it's making you look back at him. You find him smiling.

Y/n: Why are you smiling? Why don't you answer me?

Tony glances at you for a second before his eyes is back on the road. 

T: You're just too cute right now.

You blushed hearing his answer, but you're kind also in the middle of feeling upset.

Y/n: I'm upset, Tony. Can you see or feel that? I'm not cute!

T: I can clearly see and feel that. That's what make you cute right now.

Y/n: I'm not cute when I'm upset!

T: Yes, you are.

Y/n: I'm not!

T: You are.

Y/n: I'm not, Tony!

Suddenly you can feel the car is slowly moving and stop at the red light. Tony turns to you and land a kiss on your lips. You stay still as the kiss took you by surprise and it makes you blush more. You've been married for 8 years, but this kind of his behavior that keep the butterflies in your stomach alive. Then he smiles at you.

T: You are. We can do this until we arrive at home, and I won't get tired to tell you that you're cute.

He replies you back in a soothing voice, wash away the upset feeling and you swear if you're at the right place, you can just strip and take him. You can feel your face is burning.

Before you can react, he pulls his face back while smiling and his eyes is back to the road as the red light turns to green. And you can feel the car starts moving again.

T: Let's just Kate and Cap figure out their relationship first without we interfere them. They are adults and I believe there is a time they will talk to us when they ready.

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