Part 7: An hope

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Peter is entering his room while Kevin is following him behind. As soon as they enter the room, Peter puts his backpack on the bed and Kevin takes a seat on the bed.

Ke: You still call my dad 'Mr. Stark'?

Peter now look at Kevin as he hears the question.

P: Yep.

Ke: You know you can call him 'dad' right?

Peter looks at the floor for a second before he looks back at Kevin after he hears Kevin saying that.

P: I know. I just don't's appropriate.

Ke: Why? I call your mom 'mom' though. It feels nice.

P: I don't know... I guess- It's just- sometimes I can still feel that my father will come back. It will hurt him if he heard I call Mr. Stark 'dad', isn't it?

Peter shrugs his shoulder and Kevin just shake his head.

Ke: I don't know, probably. But it's been 8 years since the last time we saw him. And you just know him, for like...what? A week? Have you ever talked to or meet him !again though?

P: No. His number always off and J.A.R.V.I.S or F.R.I.D.A.Y never seems do something every time I want to look for him. It's just always a dead end.

Ke: Maybe it is supposed to be a dead end because he is not gonna comin-

P: Don't say that.

Peter gives a sign with his finger to stop Kevin from talking. He doesn't know why though he stops Kevin to talk when it's probably the truth. Guess in Peter's heart, he is still hoping that Alex will come back.

Ke: Okay. I'm sorry. 

P: No. I'm sorry. I was being rude. I just- I don't want to hear that yet. I still want him to come back.

Peter looks at the floor, and just realize how much he wants his father to come back. Or at least to know where he is actually.

Ke: And what will you do if he comes back?

Peter looks at Kevin again now and shrugs his shoulder again while folding his arms on his chest.

P: I don't know. Guess I will ask him how he is doing these past 8 years, where has he been and what he is up to. I may ask him about my brother, Max. Anything, to just have a conversation with him.

Ke: Have you asked your mom about him though?

P: I haven't. I'm just afraid I will make her sad or hurt her when I ask about him. So I never ask or talk about him. You know how the last time they met. 

Ke: Yeah...they fought, then my dad punched him and when he saw mom with blood, he just run out. 

Kevin clicks his tongue as he remembers how the last time he and Peter saw Alex. He then tilted his head, giving Peter a questioning look.

Ke: Thinking about that... why do you still want him to come back? I mean, he is pretty bad to your mom. He just left when mom lie down on the floor, covered in blood and the worst part is... mom had miscarriage.  

P: I know. And that's why I never ask her about my dad. But I just want to know where he is. I'm just curious or- I really want him to be a part of my life.

Kevin looks at Peter who is now just staring back at him with a lot of concern on his eyes. It's like Peter is torn apart.

Ke: It must be really hard for you. 

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