Part 3: A Normal Kid

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You're ready to serve dinner while Peter is sitting in the dining table waiting for the food. He insists on helping you but you told him to just sit as he needs to rest.

P: Is Mr. Stark still in the bedroom?

You put the food in the table while answer Peter.

Y/n: He is. I guess, He is still on the phone.

P: Will he join us?

Y/n: Of course. I'll call him now. You can start if you want.

P: It's okay, I'll wait for you guys.

Y/n: Okay.

You stroke Peter's hair and go upstairs to get Tony. He has been on the phone for almost 2 hours now after he is waiting for a several hour for them answering his phone. Every time he calls Pepper, there must be a bickering and debating about Kevin and it takes them a long time to settle or finally tired of it. You tried to come between them but it just never work, so in the end you just let them bickering and debating.

As you're in front of the bedroom, You open the door a little bit to see if it's okay to come in. You can see Tony is walking around the room and yelling on the phone.

T: Taking over?! He is fifteen!

You enter the room to let your presence is noticed by Tony. He looks at you but he doesn't end the call. They are on a video phone, but can't hear Pepper pretty well.

T: It's different! B.A.R.F is my invention and Kevin should be there tomorrow because he helps me develop it! I'm still the adult who responsible for it!.... You can't just cancel tomorrow! Let me talk to- what did you say?! .... stop talking and just give the phone to Kevin!... Pepper!

Tony shuts his eyes, pinches his forehead and let a deep breath out. You can tell the phone is ended. He then looks at you and you can tell that he feels more upset.

T: Can you believe they just cancel on me?!

You walk toward him and give him a hug to comfort him.

Y/n: I'm sorry.

Tony let another deep breath and hugging you back, leaning his head on your shoulder. You can feel he is calming down.

T: I'm so tired of it. What I want is just spending more time with Kevin and let him have fun as long as he can.

Y/n: I know. If I was not stupid believing the fake wedding planner a long time ago, he will still be with us. I'm sorry.

T: Oh babe. It's all in the past. Don't blame yourself again.

Y/n: But still Tony-

T: No... Pepper and I are just not mature enough yet for co-parenting. We need to work it out.

Y/n: Just start with less yelling and bickering. And listening.

T: I'm trying.

You can feel he is chuckling. You then look at him and he looks at you, while you're still in his arm.

Y/n: So since Kevin is not coming, does it mean the presentation will be canceled?

T: No. I still need to attend it tomorrow. By myself.

Y/n Do you want me to accompany you instead?

T: Doesn't Kate arrive tomorrow?

After Tony saying that, you remember that Kate will come home tomorrow and something hits your mind. A few years ago, she agreed to be mutated to Germany by her office. One of the reason is because it is too hard for her to see Steve with Natasha. Steve and Natasha is never been in a relationship, but since they have James, they just always together. Kate always said that she doesn't have feeling for Steve anymore but you can tell that she has. It's hard for her to leave you and Peter, but you assure her that you and Peter will be fine and you will stay connect with her.

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