Part 1: Growing Up

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You're flipping egg and bacon, cooking breakfast for your family in the kitchen when you feel an arm wraps your waist and a soft lips kiss your cheek.

-Good Morning.

Y/n: Morning.

You turn your head to kiss your husband, then back flipping the egg and bacon. You've been happily married to Tony Stark for eight years now and everyday your love is just getting deeper to each other. You can feel his warm breath on your neck as he stands behind you and wrapping both of his arm on your waist now.

T: Smells Good.

Y/n: It's just egg and bacon. They smell same everyday.

T: I don't talk about the egg and bacon, I talk about you.

He kisses your neck and you can feel his hand trying to get lower down your waist. You smile at his action and try to stop him.

Y/n: Tony, stops. I'm making breakfast here.

T: I'm trying to get my breakfast here.

He puts several kiss on your neck again and it tickles you. You chuckle and try to stop him by turning your head, let him kiss your lips instead. You just afraid that he will really have 'you' for breakfast if he keeps doing that. You're kissing Tony when you hear someone walking down the stairs.

-Good Morning guys.

You break the kiss and see Peter is walking down the stairs, says good morning with his bag on his back.

Y/n: Good Morning, Baby.

T: Morning kid.

You turn your back, get away from Tony's embrace and serving the breakfast in the dining table. Tony gives you one last kiss on the cheek, before going to the refrigerator to get an orange juice. Peter joins you in the kitchen.

Y/n: How was your sleep?

You ask Peter who is now standing in front the kitchen island, having a glass of water.

P: It was good.

Y/n: Do you want egg and bacon for breakfast or do you want toast, jam and milk or juice?

P: Oh, Actually... I just want to have a glass of water. I'm gonna go now.

You thought he is already late, but when you look at the clock, It's still like an hour before the school starts.

Y/n: You still have one hour on the clock. Why do you need to go now?

Tony brings the orange juice to the kitchen island, join you and Peter.

P: I have school project with Ned and we kind of want to finish it this morning.

T: Why don't you and Ned finish it after school today? You can invite him and have what you need in my lab.

P: The deadline is today, and it's kind of- just perfecting the project. It's finished, just need more a little bit touch.

Peter shrugs his shoulder and look at you and Tony. After Kevin lives with his mother, Peter has a new friend named Ned at school. They've been childhood friend since and going to the same school until now. You look at your son suspiciously because he is usually having breakfast before he is going to school and always finish his homework or school project a day before.

P: I can grab the toast if you still want me to have breakfast.

P: I can grab the toast if you still want me to have breakfast

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