Part 8: The Unexpected

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You are walking back and forth in the bathroom as you waiting for the test. It needs more or less 3 minutes to give you a result. As you wake up this morning, you feel the urge to pee and you almost forget that you need to take test, fortunately you remember and able to grab 1 pregnancy test to the bathroom. You anxiously stomping your feet a little as you wait for the test. It's not the first time you feel so anxious to see the result, but after years and years, and after what happened these past two days, the anxious is bigger than what had you feel. You just look at a little stick on the sink while waiting.

T: Babe, are you there?

You can hear a knock on the door and you can hear Tony from the other side of the door. When you awake, Tony is not awake yet.

Y/n: Yes.

Tony opens the door and see you who is standing beside the door, waiting anxiously.

T: Did you take the test?

Y/n: Yes.

T: And?

He looks at you with questioning, hopeful, and anticipation look, while you just look at him with your arm folded on your chest.

Y/n: I don't know. It's not 3 minutes yet.

T: Did you set a timer? How do you know-

F: It's 3 minutes already, Mrs. Stark.

Tony's face comes to realization as he heard F.R.I.D.A.Y telling you it's been 3 minutes. You look at Tony for a second before walk towards the sink. Tony joins you in the bathroom and let the bathroom door open. As you reach the sink, and look at the pregnancy test, you can't believe your eyes. Tony is now standing behind you and you can hear his wheezing.

T: It's two! It's a fucking two!

He turns your body to him and he hugs you real tight that you know what you see it's true. It's two stripes and you burst into tears in Tony's arm.


You are patiently sitting on a couch in a hospital's waiting room, waiting your name to be called after you take a blood sample. The doctor insisted you to take a blood sample first, before doing USG. Tony is somewhere, answering Natasha's call. Natasha called him while he is waiting for your blood to be drawn. Tony stays with you when he is answering Natasha call, but he goes somewhere when he talked for a few minutes and his look starts to change into worried. He kissed your forehead before he left to talk alone with Natasha, asking your permission and you let him.

After you and Tony saw the pregnancy test, both of you is convinced to go to the hospital to find out if you're really pregnant or not. Tony hasn't fixed F.R.I.D.A.Y's scanner yet, he feels finding out you really pregnant or not is more important right now. You and Tony don't tell the boys yet since you haven't get absolute answer about the pregnancy. During breakfast, Tony couldn't contain his happiness while you just keep feeling anxious, thinking about everything. Before Peter is going to school, he asked you if you're okay, and you just tell him you're okay. Since you and Tony haven't enroll Kevin to any school yet, Kevin is stayed at home, looking for a school that he will attend. Peter recommend him to enroll in the same school as him. You and Tony are agreed about it, but you also told Kevin to look for other school to be his option.

-Mrs. (Y/n) Stark.

Y/n: Yes.

You stand up from the couch as you hear your name is being called. You saw Tony who just walk to the waiting room while ending up his call. Now he is standing beside you.

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