Part 4: Expectation

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Peter is still sitting on the couch, watching a Star Wars movie with a big bowl of Popcorn that you just made before you left. He was enjoying the movie until he feels bored as he is alone. He took his phone and want to ring James or Ned but he remembers they are still at school. He turns off the TV and go to his room to lay down a bit, but his eyes catch the device he needs to work on. He goes to his desk and take a look at it, starts dismantling it and take a part that he won't probably need. He is working on it for a while and got desperate as he can't find a way to produce the fluid. He lies down at his bed, giving up and just looking at the ceiling.

P: I guess mom is right. I just need to be a normal kid.

Peter thought that someday, his love for science can help him find a way in the world or be a great person. Be someone like Kevin, and his greatest purposes is to make Alex coming back to say that he is proud of him. Peter is still remember the last day he saw him. Though it ended with you get into an hospital, but still Peter is curious what it will be like if Alex is still here. He closes his eyes and thinking that he could never been better or even as good as Kevin, moreover making his dad come back. 

Though he tries not to think about the device, he keeps thinking about it. He keeps thinking until he feels frustrated. He wakes up and sit, letting a deep breath when he saw a spider making a web outside his window. He looks at it for a while and something clicked for him. He goes to his desk, turn on the computer and start looking for everything about Spider.


K: Are you being serious right now?!

Kate is yelling at you as soon as she heard that your period is late. Her eyes go widen because she knows that you and Tony is always trying to have a baby.

Y/n: Why would I'm not being serious?

K: Probably just because you want to trick me!

Y/n: I'm not! and you know I won't lie to you about something like this.

K: So you're pregnant?!

You don't answer her directly and just look at the front window while you can tell that Kate is excited beside you.

K: Answer me!

Y/n: I don't know!

You reply her in a second as you really don't know whether you're pregnant or not since you haven't take the test and you just realize it this morning. Last night you realize you're late, but you're not sure until this morning when you look at the calendar, you're surely late.

K: Why would you don't know? It's your body.

Y/n: I haven't take the test and I don't know my body. The last time I was pregnant I don't even know until J.A.R.V.I.S is the one that told me.

K: Well, has your new robot told you you're pregnant now?

Y/n: They need to be asked, you know.

You give her a look.

K: And have you asked it?

Y/n: I haven't. I thought of asking it this morning, but I don't have the courage to hear the answer. That's why I want to talk to Tony first.

K: Then call him now. Tell him.

Y/n: I can't. I don't want to give him false hope and make him cancel his schedule just to find out I'm pregnant or not. That's why I'll wait until he is done with his schedule today, but now... geez, I'm afraid to see his disappointment if turn out I'm not pregnant.

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