Part 5: Acknowledgment

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The next morning, you already wake up for about an hour, but you haven't get out of the bed and just stay laying down, staring into the wall of your room. Tony is behind you, hugging your waist and you can tell he is still asleep since you feel his warm breath on your neck. After having dinner last night, Tony and you drove Kate to her hotel as you insist to drove her and when you come back home, you're just so tired that you get directly to bed and fell asleep. Yesterday was a rough day for you. Turn out, after years of no sign of pregnancy, it's still hard to see a negative result. Every time you took a pregnancy test and seeing the result, it's always remind you of the baby you lost. If you just didn't talk alone with Alex that day, your baby will probably be here, growing up and loved by people around him. As you keep thinking about the possibility of your baby's life, you realize that you also get older everyday and at some point, you will run out of the time.

You squirm a little when you feel a tear down your cheek and you feel Tony is moving behind you. He is awake and gives you a kiss on your neck.

T: Good Morning, my Queen. Are you awake?

Y/n: Yes.

You answer him with a short answer as you fell a heavy feeling on your chest, thinking about the probability that you will not give Tony a child.

T: What's wrong?

He is asking you, thinking there is probably something bothering you because you answer him in short. Tony strokes your arm and try to turn you to face him. You turn to him and straightly hug him, buried your face on his chest because you don't want him to see your tears. He hugs you back and stroke your back to comfort you.

T: Hey. What's wrong, babe? Tell me.

Y/n: Nothing. I'm fine.

T: Don't lie to me. Is it still because of last night?

You don't answer him and just hug him tighter, bring your head closer into his chest, feeling his heartbeat.

Y/n: I'm thinking about our baby, Tony. Our baby will turns 8 this year. He will have homework, presenting his school project, he will be with us for a movie night, and he will play with Peter and Kevin, be an annoying little brother or sister but still loved by Peter and Kevin.

T: Yeah, he probably will...

Y/n: If I can just protect our baby, If I'm not stupid enough to talk to Alex, If I'm just-

T: Hey, Hey, Hey-

He cupped your face and making you look directly into his eyes. You're not crying but Tony can tell there is a lot of sadness in your eyes right now.

T: We talked about this, okay? I don't want you keep blaming yourself, I don't want you even think about it, I don't want you sad.

Y/n: But still Tony-

T: No, Babe. Stop blaming yourself.

He hold you back in his arms and strokes your back, calming you down. You just stay in his arm for a while until you're totally feel ready to face the day.


Peter looks at the web shooter on the desk while his finger is on his chin, trying to figure out how to test the liquid durability. He decided to call it a web shooter since he is inspired by a spider. He knows the web shooter can hold his weight but he still don't know the maximum weight it can hold. He looks at his bedroom door and tries to hear if you or Tony already wake up or not. He thought to sneak out, test the web shooter and come back before you or Tony wake up. You will absolutely stop him going out because he still need to rest due to the bruises. He looks back at the device and decided to do that. While he prepares to sneak out, suddenly he hears the door is being knocked and he can hear Tony on the other side of the door.

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