Ch 1

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I do not own transformers if I did, Jazz and Ironhide would not have died. I only own Scarlet-Rose.

God I hate this class. They say 'hate' is a strong word. Good, that shows how much I hate this class. It was the last class for the day and it was my brother, Sam, turn to present. Sam was trying to sell some of his stuff that he was presenting. I had already presented and I had got an A. The bell rung and everyone started to get up. Sam was still trying to sell our grandfather's stuff. I walked over to Sam and patted him on the shoulder. I was just happy that we are getting a new car. I smiled as I recalled trying to make a deal with dad to get our first car. Sam and I agreed to share our car since we both knew it will be to hard to get a car each. I had to work my butt of just to get the money but getting the 'A's were the easy part...for me, at least.

Sam still had to get the final A though from the teacher. If Sam doesn't get the final A, good bye car, good bye Sam. We had worked to hard to get it.

"I don't think they are going to buy them, Sam", I said.

I went out to the car to wait for Sam. My step had a bit of a skip to it and dad noticed. He watched me as I climbed into the back seat.

"I take it you got your 3 A's and the thousand dollars?"

"Yep. Now it's all up to Sam to get the final 'A'," I threw my hands up and dad just laughed at me.

I looked over and saw Sam running to us. He had an excited look on his face.


"I got an 'A'," Sam blurted out happily as he collapsed in the passenger seat, his grade paper in hand.

"Congratulations," I said happily, giving Sam a weird one armed hug.

Dad reached out a hand. "Let me see that. You are waving it around too much."

"It's an 'A-' but still an 'A'."

Me and Sam held our breaths as dad looked it over. He sighed and gave a warm smile, "Okay, okay. It's an 'A'.

We cheered and probably looked like idiots but we didn't care. Dad just shook his head and laughed at us. I relaxed in the back seat and watched the scenery go by. I didn't care what kind of car we got, as long as it is roomy.

Dad was pulling into a Porsche lot when I came back to reality. Sam was spazzing over it as I was just staring at some of the cars.

"No way!"

That was all I heard before I heard dad chuckle. The bastard, putting our hopes up.

"Sam, he is just messing with our heads."

I hit Sam on the back of his head as he stared at dad in disbelief, then I saw him pouting. I looked at the car lot that dad was pulling into. I looked at the clown, he was muttering something about it being hot and make up.

"You have got to be kidding me. Really, this place looks like a dump!" I complained as we all got out. Dad smiled and was about to say something when a black skinned man walked up.

"What can I do for ya'?"

"I am here to get my son and daughter their first car," Dad put an arm around my shoulder and the man held out a hand.

"And you chose ol' Bobby here to buy from? Nu-uh we're family now. Uncle Bobby B, baby, uncle Bobby B."

Sam shook his hand as I began to wonder around the lot. There was several old, rusty cars that never got a second glance. I was about to turn back and yell at dad that there is nothing here when something yellow caught my eye. My eyes scanned the yellow car, from the black racing stripes right down to the slightly worn tires. I slowly made my way towards the car. I didn't know much about cars but I have more knowledge than Sam to know a fine car when I see one. As I got closer, I reached a pale slender hand and ran it up the hood of the car, barely touching it as I reached the drivers door. I could've sworn it shivered but I was too busy admiring the car to give it second thoughts.

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