Ch 9

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The whines reached my ears first. My heart was tearing at each and every cry. Tears filled my eyes as I ran with all my strength towards Bee, who was lying on a metal table in the middle of the room, dodging anyone that tried to block me from getting to him. Sam and the soldiers were yelling at the men to stop shooting the freeze guns but I payed them no mind. I ran up to the side of Bee's head and laid a hand on it.

"Bee?" I quietly asked, a single tear fell from my eye. I saw his optics focus and look at me. Smiling softly in relief, I chocked back more tears. What did they do to poor Bee? A look of confusion then anger ran across his face and he lifted a finger, barely brushing my swollen cheek. I winced and laid a hand on his finger, "I'm ok."

"Don't shoot! He's not hurting her!" I heard Sam yell and Bee snapped to attention. Bee activated his hand cannon and swiveled it around, his opposite hand curling carefully (and protectively) around me, gently lifting me up and pressing me to his chest. Turning my head slightly to the side, I saw Sam still yelling at the soldiers to lower their weapons. Bee started to stand up and I suddenly felt extremely tall compared to everyone. Gulping in a mouthful of air, Sam looked at me, mouthing "calm him down!" over and over. I finally nodded and looked up.

"Bee?" My voice was too soft and he could barely hear it. I cleared my throat and spoke more clearly, "Bee!"

He chirped once and looked down at me but his optics kept flickering back to the soldiers, I shook my head.

"Don't worry about them. I know they hurt you, Bee, and I won't let that happen again," he whirred and looked back at the soldiers angrily, aiming his cannon threateningly once more. I looked at Sam and he waved his hands for me to continue. Sighing, I looked back up, "Bee, look at me."

He didn't listen.

"Bee, look at me!"

His optics flickered once more on me before spinning in a circle. They still had their weapons on him? Sam angrily looked at where Bee was pointing and marching over to them, throwing his arms up very frustrating and very Sam-like (which is clumsily). Finally, I had enough. I reached up on my tip toes and placed a hand on his cheek, forcing him to look at me.

"Damn it, Bee! You have to listen!" He chirped but reluctantly lifted his face shield. He twitched but kept his attention on me, "look, Bee, Megatron is alive. And he's here for the cube, which is in the other hanger. We have to get the Allspark before the Decepticons do!"

He seemed to falter a second, thinking about what I had just said to him, before turning towards the military men. He deactivated his arm cannon and I heard a few sighs of relief. Turning my head, I nodded to Sam who turned to the soldiers and conversed for a second before turning to Bee, "come on, Bee, we'll take you to the Allspark."

He nodded and I waited for Bee to put me down, however, I was taken off guard when Bee began to walk, so I clung to his chest. I felt his chest rumble, I looked up and he had an amused look on his face. Lightly slapping his chest plate, his eyes flickered down to me, "don't you laugh at me!"

His chest rumbled once more and he shrugged before turning and walking int the room with the Allspark. Walking about half way there, he whirred sadly, looking reluctantly at me. Smiling softly, I nodded, knowing he had to put me down. We walked up behind Bee. I heard him whir in wonder as he looked up at the cube. I felt relatively small to Bee and Optimus, and the enormity of the cube made him look as he were one of us looking up at one of them. Did that make sense?

Bee lifted his hands and the cube sparked once before he could place his hands on either side of it. Watching the cube fold into itself, my eyes widened as I saw small glimpses of a vision of markings, odd markings. They flew past my eyes and it felt like I knew what they meant but for the life of me, I couldn't make them out. Just as fast as they had come, they were gone. I gasped slightly and snapped back to attention, Mikaela looking at me worriedly. I waved her off, giving her a small smile and I felt a slight push at my back. It was Sam.

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