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Trent was leaning against his 'oh-so-hot' truck, looking at me as if he was undressing me. I felt like punching him really hard. Sam stepped out of the car and Miles, already out of the car, was...well, being Miles. He began to climb a tree as Sam was stuttering vague sentences, a loss for words while being in the presence of Mikaela. I don't have a problem with her, it is just the people she hangs around with. And when shes around them, the attitude rubs off. I had her a couple of years ago in one of the classes and we worked on a project together. It was then I learned that she is really pretty cool, just influenced easily.

Sighing, I sank further into the seat, hoping to get the attention of Trent anywhere but me. It was then I felt the car lurch and gave a pathetic sounding cough. It was defiantly unusual because he car was off. I got out of the car when I heard a wolf-whistle. I turned to lean against the car, sending as much hate through my eyes towards the very man who gave the wolf-whistle himself.

"Trent," the name felt foul on my tongue.

"Hey hot stuff. Whatcha doin' with these two losers?" He gave a resemblance to a seductive grin.

"Hey stupid stuff. Whatcha doin' outside the preschool? They let you out early?" My lower lip jutted into a pout as I bombarded the brute with an insult he clearly wasn't ready for. Growling, he did another once over my body and licked his lips. I crossed my arms, a futile attempt to try and hide my chest from the roaming eyes, suddenly feeling very self conscious. Sam was about to say something but the engine of the car I was leaning on roared quite loudly out of nowhere, and it was enough to make me squeak and leap off the hood and Sam look quizzically at me, then the car. Then he turned to watch Mikaela shove Trent off and fume away. Suddenly, Sam turned to Miles for apparently a "conference" as I climbed into the back of the car who saved me the hungry gaze of Trent, patting the interior in a thank you. Miles, being the idiot he was, decided to physically climb into the car.

"It's called a door, idiot," I growled, what if he ruined the interior? Sure, I chipped the paint but if he screws up my cars interior I swear-...did I just say 'my car'? Heh, oops.

Suddenly, a song burst through the radio, "who's going to drive you home?"

"Dude, what is wrong with your radio?"

"Dude, there is nothing wrong with the radio. What is wrong with your head?" I smacked the back of his head. He glared at me as Sam mumbled something about driving her home. I stuck my tongue out at Miles childishly.

"Dude, you need to get out of the car." Both me and Miles whipped our heads up: mine is joy, his in disbelief.


"Dude, get out of my car!"

"What? What about bros before hoes?"

Sam glared at him when he settled back into his seat.

"Miles, out. She lives 10 miles from here!"

"Dude, just put her in the back!"

I tried to cover my laugh with my hand over my mouth as Sam stared at him with complete horror.

"You did not just say that!"

"Oh, but dear brother, I think he just did."

"Shut up Scarlett!"

"Do not tell my sister to shut up!" Sam roared. Ooooh, Miles had done it now. Sam and I bicker like any brother and sister, but he was my best friend. We have each others backs, no matter what happens, no matter who happens. He defends me and this time was no different. Miles held up a hand in a 'I surrender' fashion.

"D-dude, sorry man. I didn't mean it."

"Miles, I'm going to count to three for you to get the hell out of my car!" The tone didn't sound right from my brother. Miles stumbled out of the car, the door already opened somehow. He must've done it in panic. The door slammed shut and sped off, leaving me waving at him. The began to slow down as I turned to look at Sam trying to convince Mikaela to get in the car, stuttering about giving rides. I giggled and popped up between the seats.

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