Ch 7

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The man in the suit was talking to our parents but kept an eye on us. Mum was yelling about government men and her "bush". Dad glanced at us out of the corner of his eye and Sam stepped forward, much to my complaint. Walking towards the man in the suit, I followed closely behind. The man in the suit turned to Sam and gave him a creepy smile.

"How ya' doin' son? You, uh, filed a stolen car report last night, correct?" He removed something from his jacket, what I couldn't tell. I peeked from behind my brother's shoulder and the man saw me, "hello, young lady. You were with your brother when he made the report, right?"

Slowly, I nodded. I didn't like this guy, at all. He creeped me out. I still hung behind Sam when Mikaela walked up beside me, grabbing onto my arm and clinging to it. My voice was extremely soft, "our car's back now, though..."

The man laughed quite loudly and I flinched, "it doesn't matter if it came back, but we do believe it is a matter of national security."

Dad stepped in, "if its a matter of national security, then you talk to me, not my children."

The guy up in the suit didn't care, he just pushed Dad aside to talk to me and Sam. Before he could get another word out, another man walked up. Mumbling something about "isotopes". Mum was yelling about the yard and reached for her bat. Oh dear, why did I get her that bat? Watching mum cautiously, I grabbed hold of Sam's jacket. Where did the Autobots go? Did they get them?

The man at the door grabbed the bat from mum and she began to yell at the man, who in turn ran a light by her eyes and asked if she had any flu-like symptoms. If I weren't so afraid for the Autobots, I would've laughed. Gulping, I looked back over at the original man in the suit, he was conversing with another colleague it seemed. Turning back to us, he nodded and clasped his hands, "alright, son, you and your sister need to come with us."

This time, mum stepped in from of us, "you're not taking my children away from me!"

The man sighed and motioned for another man in a suit to come up. How many were there? The man grabbed mum by the arms and held her back from attacking him.

"Woah, woah, woah!" Dad held up his hands, "you are way out of line."

The first guy looked over at Dad with a glare, "sir, I am asking politely. Back off."

"You are not taking my children," Dad said as mum steps next to Dad. What the heck does he want with us anyway?

"Are you going to get rough with us?"he asks raising an eyebrow amused.

"No, but I'll call the cops cause there is something fishy about this!"

"There certainly is something fishy here," the man nodded and looked at me and Sam, "there's something fishy about your son, your daughter, your little Taco Bell dog and this whole operation you got going on here."

"What operation?" I asked.

"That's what we're going to find out," the man chuckled darkly, obviously enjoying himself.

The man at the door came over and grabbed him by the arm and whispered something in his ear. The original man grabbed a device and pointed at me, "you."

I stepped up closer to the man. The man ran a scanner up and down my body, watching the radar in his hand carefully. It began to make loud pings and the mans face lit up and he turned to the rest of the men.

"14 rads! Bingo! Tag 'em and bag 'em!" Suddenly, everything moved very quickly. Men began to swarm and my parents began to yell. I was grabbed forcefully from behind and my shoulders screamed in agony, threatening to pop out of their sockets. Turning towards Sam, who was looking between Mikaela and me, the man who grabbed me shoved my head down and I heard Sam yell out in disproval. Practically throwing me in the van after cuffing me, my shoulder slamming into the opposite door and window. Groaning, I looked out the door at Sam, who Dad was yelling at Sam about our rights. I gulped, we needed to get the glasses to Optimus! Sam was then shoved into the van and Mikaela was squeezed in next t him. Looking at the two of them, I felt my breath shaken.

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