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My body hurt. That's all I could say. I felt like I had been hit by a train... 15 times. Groaning, I moved my hands. It felt like I was on...sand?

"She's waking," I heard a deep voice speak.

"At last!" Another, slightly higher-pitched, voice retorted.

"Shh! A lot has happened to her. You expect someone to cross over and not be-."

"Silence!" The loudest voice boomed and I flinched. The voice softened, "child, open your eyes."

Hesitantly I opened my eyes and sat up. My head was definitely going to hurt later. I looked up into the sky, it was a bright and soft blue with no clouds. The colour itself was one not even an artist could create. Standing up, I dusted the sand off and turned around. My heart and breathing stopped as I was met face-to-face with 7 very tall robots. Gulping in a mouthful of air, I looked at the one in the middle, who had the wisest of optics. Walking up to them, I got a better look of them. They were skinny in comparison to Optimus or Ironhide and their faces were fringed with moving tassels. They stood almost lankily and one of them had an annoyed look on their face. Scanning them, only one was female. She stood next to the one in the middle, looking at me with a soft smile and beckoning to me with one hand, "come closer child."

Gulping, I walked until I was in the middle of the semi-circle. The one who was in the middle of the line kneeled down and looked at me, "you are Scarlett-Rose Witwicky, are you not?"

It was the loud voice I had heard before I opened my eyes. I nodded my head, "y-yes."

"Speak louder! Stop mumbling!" The one with the annoyed look snapped at me.

"Yes, sir!" I stood up straighter and made myself crystal clear. The one kneeling chuckled and stood back up.

"Have you been experiencing any...odd symptoms lately?" He searched for the right words. I opened my mouth, about to say 'no', when I felt the tingling from earlier return 10 fold. Wincing a bit, I nodded. He looked... Pleased? "Excellent. If you would, lift up your shirt."

I gave his an odd look, but somehow, I knew he wouldn't hurt me. Lifting up my shirt, I heard a few gasps. Looking down at my own stomach, a gasp escaped from my own lips. A little bit to the right of my belly button was a dime sized blue mark, a glowing blue circle. From the circle had spidered hundreds of vein-like lines. They reached around the planes of my stomach and had arched towards my heart, creating intricate patterns and some were lost to the hem of my pant line. Gulping, the tingling intensified and so did the glow of the veins and mark. Looking back up at the original robot who spoke to me, who had a thoughtful look on his face, my voice was soft, "what's happening to me?"

The robot snapped his attention back to me and gave me a gentle smile, "I'm afraid I can't explain it to you, child. I can only hope to enlighten you on your journey."

I stood there, waiting patiently after lowering my shirt, looking up at the robot who looked like he was preparing himself for something big. He took a breath and opened his eyes he had closed not only a moment before, "what I am about to tell you, child, can not be repeated or spoken about to anyone else, you understand?" I nodded, afraid of the consequences if I had told just from his tone, "you are, child, a reincarnation of Primus."


"I'm w-what?" I asked, quite confused, "who is Primus, if I may ask?"

One of the robots snorted, "who's Primus my aft."

The original glared at him and then turned back to me, "Primus is our deity. We are her...ambassadors, if you will. We are great descendants of Her and we speak Her word to other Autobots. However, you are a reincarnation of Her, a rare thing indeed. Thousands of eons ago, even before Cybertron was created by the Allspark, Primus had foreseen a terrible war waging between one of her last great descendants and his brother. Se had foreseen the terrible damage lost to the brother's wake of rage and fury. She knew She had to protect her people, and She knew the She couldn't directly help them. She had taken a piece of her spark and sent it to the stars, the coordinates of the planet she saw the brothers fight over inscribed on it. Megatron, the brother she had foresaw, had picked up the Energon readings and had followed it, along with the Allspark, to earth.

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