Ch 10

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Mikaela had pulled up in a tow truck. It took me a second to realize what she wanted to do. Looking at Sam for a brief second before jogging over to Mikaela, a slight smile played on my face. Sam followed with us and put the cube on the edge of the truck before helping me and Mikaela. Winding a cord around Bee's chest plate, I secured it to the ring above his head when I heard a soldier running up. He was looking for Sam, who wasn't paying attention. I nudged him with my foot and jerked my head in the soldier's direction, "Sam. Soldier."
Sam turned and I continued to help Mikaela wrap Bee. He was watching us carefully and lifted his arm or what was left of his leg whenever we asked. Sam tugged on my arm, pulling me to the ground from the truck bed.
"Sam! What the hell?" I angrily glad at him, "I don't have time for this!"
"Scarlett, please!" Sam grabbed ahold of my arm before I could turn to leave and made sure I was looking a him, "I can't do this alone. I'm scared."
I had to stop struggling against his grip and looked at Sam. He sounded like he did when we were 7 years old and he had gotten stuck in a tree after climbing to the top. I had to climb up and sit with him until our parents got home. His eyes reflected his voice. My gaze softened and pulled him into a brief hug before pulling away to look at Mikaela and Bee. They both nodded. Sucking in a breath, I looked at Sam before turning around, his hand in mine, and sprinting off.
"We got your back!" Ironhide called from behind us. For some odd reason, it didn't make me feel any better. A large robot landed in front of me and Sam and we shrieked, obviously not expecting it, our backs grazing the pavement underneath us we slid to the ground, avoiding the gun shots. I began to hyperventilate and got up, looking over at Ratchet and Ironhide collapsing to their knees, "Sam, Scarlett, get to the building!"
Staring wide-eyed at them until Sam tugged on my hand, I turned and ran. I ran for my life. For Sam's life. For everyone's life. I pumped my legs faster, turning my run into a sprint. Narrowly missing several attempts at our death, we ran across a street. Sam got hit by a car and rolled off, me grabbing his upper arm and helping him back up. I faintly heard a " did that jerk just dent my car?" and I wanted to put a dent in her. Looking over my shoulder, I barely caught sight of Optimus pulling up and transforming. I wanted to cheer but Sam pulled me into a building before I could. I panted and me and Sam stopped for a second, trying to catch our breaths before we heard massive steps. I looked at Sam.
"Ah, great," we sprinted towards the stairs and started up them. At the 20th floor, I began to wheeze, "you...have!"
Sam turned to look at me, "c'mon, Scarlett! We gotta go!"
I held up a finger to catch my breath, "In a sec, bro, gotta-."
"I smell you children!" I looked up wide-eyed at Sam before running past him up the stairs. The voice was dark and demeaning, and it set my blood on ice. My breaths came out shallow and my heart pumped adrenaline into my blood stream. I heard wood splintering and metal groaning, a growl emitting from the thing itself that was splintering the wood and metal groans. It was guttural and primitive, a sound that only animals themselves could ever achieve. It was greedy, it was hungry, it was lusting for blood. A shiver ran down my spine and we finally made it to the roof. Bursting through the door, the sun temporarily blinded me. Sam passed me the cube as I clumsily stumbled along and I heard a smack and a nasty smell of something...
"Scarlett! Over here!" Blinking not once, not twice but four times and my vision finally cleared. Sam was on the edge of the building, waving at something. I passed him the cube and looked over to be met face to face with a rush of hot wind. The chopper's blade whipping the wind around us and my hair went up. I probably looked like a troll doll at the time. If the situation hadn't been as terrifying as it was, I probably would've laughed. Reaching out to the soldier, the cube barely grazing his finger tips, I saw something in the corner of my eye. Sam saw it too, and yanked on my arm, "watch out!"
My head smacked against the hard concrete of the building and I saw stars. Wincing when Sam grabbed me and pulled me close, protecting the cube with both our arms and torsos, when I felt the hot wind whip at my legs. My shirt was in rags from skidding on the hot pavement and scraping the sleeves when I turned a corner to wide on the stairs, my jeans however...well, might as well call 'em shorts now. I stumbled once to many times up the stairs and both knees had wide holes and on my right leg was a deep gash in the fabric and the skin underneath was scraped, nothing to major. Gasping, I stumbled to my feet, watching in horror as the helicopter went over the edge and exploded. Sam got up as well and watched. My breath was almost erratic and I looked at my brother, he looked like he was about to have a heart attack. Looking down at the cube, there was a slight thrum throughout my body and the skin tingled wherever the cube had touched or was touching. Suddenly there was a huge explosion through the middle of the roof and I shrieked, thoroughly terrified for what may lie in the explosion even though I knew very well who caused it.
Sam yanked on my arm and we ran to the edge of the building. Sam nudged me on.
"Are you crazy?" I never heard my voice get that high pitched. Sam nodded an shot on the edge as well. I couldn't look over without fear of I would faint and go over. I was never afraid of heights, but I would never be up this high without being in something or have something attached to my ankle or torso. Sam helped me onto a statuette of a woman with no arms. Hugging the cube close to my chest with my right hand and hanging on for dear life with my left, I felt Sam climb on behind me and enshrouded me and the cube with his body. The building shook as Megatron moved, leering closer to us. Sam pushed me closer into the statuette.
"Is it fear or courage that compels you, boy?" His voice was just as terrifying as his eyes. Earlier, I barely caught the actual tone or the sound of his voice, just the words really, since the adrenaline had blood pumping loudly in my ears. Plus, he was about 4 stories below us. Now that he was up close and personal, could hear the venom dripping into his voice. Gulping slightly, I peeked my head slightly from beneath Sam's arm. He looked like he did at the dam, just more menacing! He caught my eye and gave me a drop dead evil smile that would put even Hitler to shame! "Well, well, well. What do we have here? Perhaps, boy, if you relinquish the cube, I'll let you and the girl live to be my pets."
His voice was even more chilling, if that was possible. I didn't want to be his pet!
"I won't let you have the cube, Megatron!" I shouted from beneath Sam's arm. He looked at me, slightly startled at my tone. Then he narrowed his eyes and raised his hand, which looked like it had a medieval flail in it's palm.
"Oh, so unwise," he brought it down next to me and Sam and we fell from the statuette. Screaming, I looked fearfully at Sam. He looked just as scared as I was as we tumbled head over heels towards our impending doom. Suddenly, we were both caught by a large metal hand. Looking up at the robot, a smile broke out over my face.
"Hold on, you two," he brought us to his chest where we hung onto the plate there. His face shield came down and Optimus let go of the building he was holding onto, trying to break his fall with the buildings around us. In the middle of swapping to the other building, I felt a jerk. My head was snapped to the side as Optimus tumbled to the ground. He landed with a giant thud, thoroughly knocking the wind put of me. He lifted his hand and Sam helped me get to the ground, my lungs struggling to keep air in them without a cough. Optimus rolled to his stomach and looked at Sam, " Sam, you and your sister risked your lives to keep the cube safe."
"No sacrifice..." Sam looked up at him.
"No victory," I finished.
"If I cannot defeat Megatron, then you must push the cube into my chest. I will sacrifice myself. Now quickly, get behind me!" Optimus suddenly stood and turned, looking at Megatron. Sam grabbed my arm and tugged me into a deep ditch.
"It's just you and me, Megatron," Optimus said.
"No, it's just me, Prime," Megatron sneered as he got up to fight Optimus.
"At the end of this day, one shall stand and one shall fall," Optimus said wisely. Megatron grabbed Optimus and chucked him at a building.
"You still fight for the weak and that is why you lose!" Megatron said as he picked Optimus up and threw him at a different building. I resent that statement. Humans may be tiny, but we're not helpless. Besides Optimus is too kickass to lose. Right?
For a while, the fight was going pretty evenly. Every punch or hit Megatron threw, Optimus would deflect and every time Optimus tried to swipe at Megatron, Megatron would catch it before it did much harm.
However, Optimus didn't last long before the odds started turning to Megatron's favor. Megatron started mixing up his moves and confusing Optimus. One harsh hit caused Optimus to go crashing to the ground and before he could get up, Megatron swiftly kicked him.
Loud jets suddenly came out of nowhere and were aiming shots at Megatron. He stumbled as missiles started hitting him accurately causing him to fall to the ground also. Oh yeah! What did I say about humans not being weak? Uh huh, that's right.
Megatron tried getting back up, but fell down again as another missile hit him. Before the next jet came, Megatron started crawling towards us.
"Allspark mine!" Megatron sneered as me and Sam crawled backwards helplessly.
"Sam, put the cube in my chest now!" Optimus demanded. Sam looked at me and I nodded, thinking the same thing. Before Optimus could stop us, we stood up and pointed the cube at Megatron's chest. The cube started disappearing as it melted Megatron's chest and killed his spark. Megatron shook for a moment, then finally fell dead.
Optimus stood up and looked at Megatron sadly, "you left me no choice brother."
With Megatron finally dead, Lennox's team started coming towards us and all the Autobots started to gather. Mikaela drove near us and everyone else.
"Sam, Scarlett, I owe you my life. We are in your debt," Optimus told us. I tackled Sam in a hug. Then I hit his arm. Hard.
"Ow! What was that for?" Sam yelped as he frowned at me.
"Don't try and get us killed next time. If you do, I will give you a lot more than just a smack on the arm. Do you hear me mister?" I scolded Sam. He rolled his eyes and smiled at me.
"Yeah, I love you, too, Scarlett," Sam smiled. I smiled cheekily.
"I'm really feelin' the love yo," Jazz said from where he was standing. Everyone laughed. (AN: yes I made Jazz live because he is just too amazing to kill.)
"Thank you all for being so brave and helping us," Optimus said to everyone gratefully.
"Permission to speak, sir," I heard a deep voice rumble. I looked around confused as I saw Sam staring at Bee in surprise. My jaw dropped in shock as I stared at Bee.
"OH MY GOD! BEE, YOU SPOKE!" I stared at Bee slacked jawed. Everyone laughed around me.
"Permission granted old friend," Optimus smiled.
"I wish to stay with the boy," Bee said.
"If that is his choice," Optimus relied.
"Yes," Sam smiled as he looked at Bee.
"Optimus, I wish to continue to be Scarlett's guardian," said a voice to my right.
I turned and looked at Ratchet.
"If that is her choice," Optimus relied...again.
"Hell to the yeah!" I had a huge smile as I looked at Ratchet. I ran over to Ratchet and held up m hands like a little kid wanting to be picked up. Ratchet chuckled and picked me up so I could hug him. My Ratchet.
All felt right in the world as I cuddled against Ratchet's spark and we watched the sunset. Sam and Mikaela were making out on top of Bumblebee who was in his car form which Optimus was making a message to send to any Autobots still in space.
I crawled up from Ratchet's chest to his face. He looked at me happily and curiously. I held o to his face as much as I could as I placed a kiss onto his top lip.
"I love you, Ratchet," I smiled softly as I stared into his blue optics. His eyes lit up.
"I love you, too, Scarlett-Rose," Ratchet smiled at me as he nuzzled me gently.
I comfily cuddled with Ratchet to my heart's content and a thought suddenly entered my mind.
How am I going to tell my parents?
So Scarlett ends up with Ratchet. Well, first movie done. On to the next. I would love to see what you think of the story so far. 'Til next time.

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