Ch 2

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Thank god it was Saturday. Unfortunately my parents didn't care. I had been eating my Trix cereal for only a few minutes when Sam came stumbling down the stairs.

"Mum left us a list of chores on the fridge," I said over my shoulder, not bothering to pay him much mind. Sam groaned and snatched the note.

~Sam & Scarlet

Your father and I had to go out for a few errands. Here's a list of chores that we would like done while we are gone.

-the floor

-your rooms

-the back porch

-the windows


We love you.


P.S Sam, take your sister with you to the party. I don't want her home alone.~

Sam groaned again, "do I have to take you?"

"Stop complaining Sam, I'm not even planning on getting out of the car. If I do, I don't even want to be near you or Trent."

Sam laughed. I gave him a glare when I got up and washed my bowl before putting it in the dishwasher. My brother gave me a lopsided hug before ruffling my hair.

"I won't let him touch you, Scar, you know that." I gave him a small smile when I glanced out the window towards our new car.

"How about we make a deal. I sweep the back porch and the windows if you do the dishes and the mopping for me. But before I do that, I am going to clean the inside of the car." I spared him no other words as I went up to my bedroom.

I tucked my hair into a loose bun and jogged down the stairs. I grabbed a garbage bag and I went out the back door, not even bothering with shoes. I started to grab all the little bits of rubbish and I didn't realize how long it took until Sam called out to me from his window. "Hey sis!"

"What?" I turn to look at him, a hand on my hip.

"I have already got the dishes done as well as my room! Do you want me to do the windows?"

"How long have I been doing this? And what about the floors?"

"I was about to do them and I figured I'd be nice! You have been cleaning the car for about 30 minutes!"

I was shocked to listen how long I was doing this. "If you don't mind doing them!"

My lovely brother mumbled something about loud enough for me to hear something about me being crazy. I didn't care, I took it as an compliment. Still, I turned on my heel and grabbed the hose. I sprayed Sam that was still at his window. Shrieking like the little girl he was, my brother decided to dive back into the safety of his room. Next thing I know is that I am on the ground laughing my butt off.

"NOT FUNNY!" I heard my brother roar. Shaking my head, I wiped my eyes of any traces of tears. It was to funny! Picking myself up off the ground, I patted the hood of the car before turning to put the garbage bag near the bin. I went inside and nearly colliding with Sam.

"If you want to get out of the house quickly then get a move on. I'll do the porch while you straighten up your room. For once, I did all the chores instead of you."

A full blown smile danced across my lips as a laugh escaped and I leapt down 4 stairs to crush my brother into a hug before skipping 2 steps back up the stairs and sliding across the newly mopped floors into my room with a crash.

"Damn you, Sam! It's too slippery!" I screamed at my laughing brother.

Tossing my hands up, exasperated, I looked for my phone. I run down the stairs and slid to a stop by the door. Walking out, I was surprised to see mum and Dad, "mum? Dad? What are you guys doing home?"

Mum looked up from reprimanding Dad about a wobbly stone to give me a smile, "Hey honey! Your Dad decided that he didn't have to go to the bank today so we got home early. Actually, we got in just as you were yelling at your brother."

Dad laughed, "You need to watch your mouth, young lady."

I gave him a kiss on him balding head as I walked towards the car, "Yeah right Dad, I'm a teen."

Mum was the one to laugh now. "She has a point Ron. This stone is uneven."

Shaking my head with a smile, I turned to my brothers still open window, "Sam! Hurry up or I'm going to leave without you!"

He shouted something I didn't quite catch but it sounded like a 'I'm coming'. Opening the passenger door, I carefully slid in and buckled my seat belt.

Dad was scolding Sam about something about his new path and Sam was yelling mum about Mojo. Why I have no idea, damned dog is a crack head. Finally, Sam slid into the drivers seat with a sigh. I looked at him, "Sam, what was that about?

He shrugged, turning on the car, as mum yelled, "be home by 11!" As we pulled out of the drive way, I turned to Sam, noticing that his knuckles looked almost white from gripping the steering wheel, "Sam...?"

That is who he started to chuckle nervously.

"Sam? What's. wrong?" I asked, almost afraid to now the answer.

"Uhh, we need to make a itsy bitsy stop..." He chuckles become more nervous as we turned into his street. My eyes become wide as a deer in the head lights.

"No. No, Sam, please no! Not his street!"

"Sorry, sis, I did promise Mi-"

"No! Don't even say his name!" I held up one finger, cutting him off and giving him a death glare as I climbed in the back when we reach his house.

"Hey Miles!" My brother gave the blonde wonder an uneasy smile as he popped open the door for him.

"Yo! What up my brother?"he smiled at Sam. He noticed out of the corner of his eye, attempting to give me a seductive smirk. Oh god. "Oh, and what up my sister?"

"Talk like that to me again and I swear that your hair won't be the only thing that I will rip out." I had Miles by the hair behind his ear watching Miles gulp with wide eyes. I released his hair with triumphant smirk and relaxed in the back seat. I finally glanced forward after a few moments when Miles asked if we were invited to the party, I gave a snort, "Dude, it's a lake. It's a pubic place. Of course even idiots like you are invited."

I laughed at Miles' priceless expression. Sam smiled but shook his head.

"Dude, dude! It's Mikaela!"

I groaned, where's there Mikaela, there's gotta be...

"Hey, yo Sam! Ain't you gonna let your smoking hot sister out of the car?"

Speak of the devil.

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