Perspectives (#nothing)

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Tom stumbles, the slap on his shoulder stinging.

"Freak, glad you made it. Have an alcohol-free!" Luke says, then struts off to the rest of the crowd. Tom rubs his shoulder and looks at his co-workers, all huddled together, guzzling real ale.

"Freaky, don't forget to have the data compiled for me on Monday!" Frank shouts over to him.

Tom nods. Of course, he will! Helping with their workloads is his only body armour, he knows. School taught him many lessons.

"Stop staring, gay boy!" Frank taunts before gulping down a manly sip of his beer.

Tom's throat closes up, his eyes searching for an escape route.

Everyone is laughing. Luke says something to Frank that Tom doesn't catch. Frank's "Piss off, mate! It's just a bit of fun." makes Tom wonder whether this was about him. Luke is the only half-decent guy in the firm. He does call Tom Freak, but he invites him to parties and doesn't exploit Tom's mathematical genius.

Tom turns to leave anyway. But a steel grip on his shoulder yanks him around.

"Running off to mummy, wuss?" Frank grins, then slaps Tom's cheek hard.

"Let me go, please." The quiver in Tom's voice sounds pathetic even to himself.

"Oh, look at that cry-baby!" Frank's eyes start to leak tears with drunken hysterical laughter.

"Frank, let him go!" Luke is running towards them now. But before he reaches them, Frank's hold on Tom loosens.

Frank topples over, hitting the ground hard. He twitches, then nothing.

Screaming erupts from the crowd.

Tom drops to his knees and puts Frank into the recovery position, then sticks his fingers into his mouth to pull out his tongue. Luke drops down next to Tom.

"What the fuck? Frank? Frank?" Luke's eyes are wild, his hands shaking.

"Ben." Tom addresses one of the guys in the group, his voice steady. "I want you to phone an ambulance. Tell them that the patient has no pulse and is not breathing. CPR is being administered."

Without hesitation, Tom flips Frank onto his back, interlocks his fingers and begins chest compressions, "Nelly the elephant" playing in his head on a loop.

After twenty compressions, he tells Luke, "Take a deep breath. On my command, give him two breaths." Tom carries on counting in his head. When he reaches 30, he says, "Now!"

Luke bends down and blows air into his buddy's mouth. Tom resumes compressions.

The hysterical cries have died down now and the rest of the group seem to be holding their breaths. Tom hears an occasional sob.

"Ben, go wait out the front for the paramedics and direct them to us!" Tom instructs.

With one last "Swap!", Luke and Tom fall into a silent rhythm, alternately giving compressions or breaths.

When the medical crew arrives with a defibrillator, Luke and Tom collapse on the small patch of grass behind the patio, panting with exertion, eyes closed.

Cheers erupt. "He's back!" can be heard, then Frank is rushed to hospital.

Suddenly, Tom feels a gentle tap on his shoulder.

"You are not the boring little number cruncher I thought you were. You saved Frank's life. You're our hero. We wouldn't have known what to do. How did you do this?"

Tom shrugs.

"I'm a nerd. Knowing things is part of the personality description."

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