The master plan (#story)

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With trembling hands, I lower my tablet.

"Shirley, I told you I was right. Finally, I have the proof! Come - look - now!"

I hear Shirl sigh.

"What is it, Robert? I'm busy."

"For crying out loud, get your bum over here pronto! You've asked for the proof and now I have it."

I cannot stop anger from creeping into my voice. The gullible cow. She's been on my case for months now. God knows I have been patient with her. I understand that it's not easy to wrap your head around something this huge for a simple soul like her. But will she give me credit for trying to enlighten her? For giving her the chance to be in the know? Of course not.

"Stop believing everything you read!" is her reaction. The nerve of her! When it is Shirl who believes in all the fake news.

I take a deep breath. Collect myself. I can't blame her. It's 5G, controlling the minds of the masses. Only superhuman strength makes me win over this invisible enemy every day. I can't expect the same thing from silly Shirley.

But I can free her. The evidence I've just uncovered will arm her against the deep state taking over the world.

But we will not give up without a fight. We know about your master plan, Mr Soros. We see through your stories.

Did you really think you'd get away with it, Mr Gates? When 5G failed to seize control over 100% of the world population, you modified it to send a harmless virus straight into houses so you can get even richer by squeezing a mind-control drug straight into our blood system. To eliminate us freethinkers! But that's not going to happen. No way, José.

I have the proof now. Irrefutable. Compelling.

I've already created a meme about it. It's going out to Facebook, Instagram and Twitter as we speak. I will finally open people's eyes.

"What's up then, Robert?"

Shirley's voice sounds so small, so defeated. But this will change in a minute. Of that I am convinced.

"Read this paragraph!" I instruct her, triumph in my voice.

"The vaccine will cause the body to recognise the virus quickly so it can react quickly. As an mRNA vaccine, it contains material from the virus which instructs the body's cells to make a harmless protein unique to the virus. The body realises that the protein shouldn't be there so it starts to produce antibodies."

Shirley stops reading and looks at me, clearly confused.

"So?" She sounds tired.

Well, I shouldn't have expected her to decode the hidden message by herself, what with her mind still in the clutches of the evil elite.

"There're three Qs in this paragraph! What is the third letter of the alphabet, Shirley? Yes, a C!" I exclaim. Validation. Finally.

"So?" Shirley asks again, bringing my blood to a boil.

How bloody stupid is she then?

I jump up and grab her by the throat.

"You idiot! C stands for conspiracy! That's the proof right there. What do you say now?" I demand loudly, as her lifeless body slips from my hands onto the floor.

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