Relaxation time (#holiday)

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The flash was blinding. Cindy's eyes closed against her will.

"Shit, Jason, gotta do this again. Quick!"

Jason sighed. "It's getting later and later. Forget about the stupid photographs! I'm bloody starving now."

"Shut up and concentrate, Jason! We didn't catch the five minutes of sun earlier, either, because you were too busy relaxing and couldn't be bothered to take a few photos for me. At least, it's dry for a second now - and dark. Nobody will be able to see how wet it is everywhere. So quick, before it starts bucketing down again. This is such a beautiful hotel."

"Yeah well, it isn't our hotel. What do you need a picture for?" Jason complained but did as he was told.

"Sue doesn't know that, now does she?" Cindy's grin almost looked genuine now.

"Please, Cindy, I took about four hundred photos now. Can we finally have something to eat?"

"Absolutely, Jase. There's a nice place about twenty minutes from here. My favourite influencer loves it there."

"There are loads of restaurants here. Probably much cheaper, too. We haven't got that much money left, what with your suntan studio every day and that fancy bar last night. We could barely afford this holiday anyway."

"Please, Jase. I can't post the tourist dumps here on my Insta. Let's jump in a taxi. Sue will be green with envy."

When the fifty-quid three beans on an undercooked piece of meat were served, Jason nearly cried, but Cindy cheered him right up. "No problem, Jason, I got the selfie of us in this place and I found a lovely photo of an amazing meal online that I can post with it. No one will be any the wiser."

Back home

The cup of tea after two weeks abroad tasted heavenly.

"Did you see my Insta, Sue?" Cindy asked, eyes sparkling.

"Of course, I did. Fabulous pictures! You two obviously had a grand holiday. I'm so jealous!" Sue gushed.

"Best one ever! The hotel... well, you saw the pictures. Amazing! And the food in that restaurant... to die for! You probably saw the five-course meal I posted. Pure heaven, darling. And the weather... OMG, I've never seen so much sunshine. If your holiday next week is half as good as ours, it'll be fantastic."

"Thanks. Relieved to hear the weather was great. I was really worried when the travel forecast here kept predicting rain for your region."

"Yeah, 21st century and they still can't get the weather right. You saw my pics. And you don't get a tan from fourteen days of rain, do you?" Cindy jumped up. "Shoot! So late already. I promised Jason I would just pop over to let you know we're back and thank you for looking after the plants."

A quick hug, and Cindy disappeared.

Sue dropped down on her chair and dialled her husband's number.

"Frank, is there a posh hotel somewhere near ours? Oh, and remember the photos your buddy showed us of that meal he had in Paris in that Michelin 3-star restaurant? Please ask him to send them to you. Just one last thing. Can you pick up some self tanner on the way home? This is going to be a brilliant holiday!"

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