Chapter 9 - The Guest Arrives

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Sebastian quickly opened the door in order to greet the guest from India and escorted him to the dinner table with the suspision that he must be famished; after pulling out the guest's chair, he then walked quickly to get his master from his quarters upstairs.

"Young master, your guest has arrived." Sebastian said to Ciel while bowing deeply.

"Thank you, Sebastian. I'll be down shortly." He replied with a rather... unhappy expression.

Sebastian bowed humbly once again and his face was full of shock for Ciel normally required his aid in order to perform certain tasks, such as the menial labor of walking down stairs, however, today was different, Sebastian could tell from the glint in his master's eyes as he walked out the room. What was troubling him so? The butler was going to figure this out, no matter how difficult the task he sat out to accomplish would be.

Ciel eventually met the guest downstairs, at the diner table, and the two began to eat once their food and drink was expertly served to them by Sebastian. Mey-rin and the others gawked at Sebastian's skills as a butler, he was the most capable butler in the world it seemed, and, although Ciel was proud of him, he could not bring himself to smile like he had been privately with Sebastian for almost a week, something was holding him back.

"Enjoy your meal, my lords, and call upon me whenever you need me." The butler said merrily, but suppressing a case of sadness that he felt growing inside himself by the moment.

Ten minutes later, the two lords had finished their meal and were ready for the next meal: dessert, Sebastian brought out the Coconut Creme pie and served each a slice. After they were finished with dessert, the two headed upstairs and began to play a board game, meanwhile, Sebastian was left downstairs in order to clean up the mess made by the two, however, Ciel's food looked rather... untouched, and this worried the butler even more.

He quickly cleaned up the dishes when he suddenly looked in the oven, finding their unfortunate guest, and he turned the oven to an even higher temperature that caused the man to scream a hellish scream which triggered a bemused expression of laughter from Ciel upstairs. Finally, the manor was clean and Sebastian headed upstairs in order to see his lord.

"My lord..." Sebastian stopped dead in his tracks: Ciel was not sitting in his usual place, and this caused him to check everywhere in the room, including the bathroom, which is where he found Ciel doing something he never wished to see... hurting himself. There was so much blood on the floor and his frail, little arms that he could scarcely make out where the wounds were.

"N-No, young master, you mustn't." Sebastian said on the verge of tears while taking the razor from his lord's hand. "I am here for you, dear, please don't leave me here alone."

"S-Sebastian, I don't know if this is right, but I want it so bad... I want to be with you so bad, is that so wrong?" Ciel replied. 

"My lord, there is nothing wrong with that, nothing at all, because I love you too! Please, don't do anything foolish like this again over me, if you ever need me, please, just yell." 

"H-Hold me, please." Ciel whimpered. 

"Y-Yes, my lord." He replied while standing up with little Ciel in his arms in order to find bandages for his wounds.

He found the bandages and sat Ciel gently upon the floor before wrapping his arm up with the bandages and discovering that the cuts ran up his arm to the shoulder. Why? Why would my lord do something so dreadful as this? Perhaps... No, I am not worthy of such an honor. 

"Sebastian, thank you, truly." Ciel said weakly. 

"My lord, you must not say such things," Sebastian said while crying and taking his lord's hand. "I wil always be here for you, no matter what the cost, and, besides, you shouldn't speak as though your time is done... I would miss you dearly and weep every day, my lord, the manor would never be the same without your grace." 

"S-Sebastian, but I am destined to die and you - are not, how could we ever be together? I don't want the grief of my death to trouble you when I am gone, I couldn't bear to burden you with that." Ciel replied, weeping heavily into the bed sheets. 

"My lord, you would never be a burden, in fact, it would be a pleasure to remember you fondly with each passing day, maybe I would even get to see your soul if I took the time to play that board game of yours; however, any kind of suffering over you would be a pleasure because you are worth it, my lord." 

"S-Sebastian..." Ciel whispered while looking up, teary eyed, from the bed sheets. 

The butler placed his hand upon Ciel's cheek and leaned in slowly, this was to be their last normal kiss...

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