Chapter 11 - Snow

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It was finally nearing Christmas time, but Ciel did not seem to excited because it was also his birthday and many tragedies had occurred on that day over the course of twelve years, however, Sebastian was determined to make this birthday special for the young master. He and the young master took a short walk out to the pond that was now frozen due to the cold, and, of course, Ciel was bundled up tightly in a coat and mittens, but that wasn't about to stop Sebastian. 

Sebastian grabbed his lord's mitten covered hands and held them within his own, and it seemed as though time itself had frozen as the two gently stared into each other's eyes, neither wavering in their determination. Sebastian smiled faintly at his lord before noticing that snow had begun to fall upon the two from above in small little flakes. 

"Sebastian, our love is pure, like the snow." Ciel said suddenly. 

"Ah, it appears to be so, my lord." Sebastian answered with another smile upon his face. 

However, that was soon put to an end when Mey-rin ran out into the field and tackled Sebastian, causing him to fall sideways into the foot of snow that had covered the ground. Ciel got an angry look upon his face and simply looked down while clenching his fists tightly as Sebastian glanced at his lord, he knew what to do, and so, he picked her body up off of his with one arm and stood up before putting her flat on her feet. 

"What is it, Mey-rin?" Sebastian inquired with a tone of annoyance. 

"I was simply coming out to check on you two, and it appears that everything is fine. I'll be going back to the manor now!" She said rather hurridly, with a red face, and began to run towards the manor. 

Sebastian turned his head towards his lord and, before he knew it, he was kissed upon his lips by his master. He then picked up his master and held him aganist his chest while kissing him softly. The two then pulled away as Tanaka randomly appeared near them. 

"Hohoho, you two appear to be having quite the romance." He stated before he deflated back into tiny Tanaka. 

"What the hell?" Ciel asked, clearly annoyed. "Why do all of these people keep ruining it?" 

"Young master, there is a place I know of that they would never think to look." Sebastian replied with a smug grin. 

"Well, what are you waiting for, you blithering idiot?" Ciel asked with a smile. 

"Master, your smile is so nice, and I am simply one hell of a butler, not a blithering idiot." Sebastian replied with a smile while dragging his lord through the trees of a dark forest before holding Ciel on his back and running up a rather large tree to the top branch. 

"See, they'll never find us here!" Sebastian said rather too happily. 

"I see, so you hate them as well?" 

"Well, I wouldn't put it that way... Okay, yes, I do." 

They both started to laugh. Ciel had never seen this side of Sebastian, it was quite... enjoyable. The two stayed in the large tree for an hour before deciding that they should head back lest the house be in smithereens. Sebastian carried his master without having to be told, he knew he wanted to be carried, he could tell it from his pleading eyes, and, once the two arrived home, much to their surprise, the house was still intact! Sebastian sighed though because it was a complete, and utter, mess with food spatters all over the walls. 

"I'll take care of this at once, my lord." Sebastian said while placing his lord's feet upon the ground. 

"All right, I'll be in my chambers, asleep." Ciel replied, he sure was rather glum about it. 

Sebastian quickly cleaned up the mess and went upstairs to check on his beautiful lord, Ciel, and found him laying in bed, crying. 

"Young master!" Sebastian said in shock and rushed over to soothe him. 

"It's not fair! Why did they have to die? I wish they were still here! Sebastian, you're all I have!" Ciel exclaimed with tears flowing profusely from his eyes. 

"Shh, it's all right now, my lord. I am here for you." Sebastin replied while gently smoothing his lord's hair. 

"P-Please, I can't allow you to see me like this, Sebastian." Ciel whimpered. 

"My lord, you have been strong to endure this long, but I am not going to leave your side just because you don't want me to see you like this. My lord, I love you, and there is nothing that can stop that." Sebastian answered whole-heartedly. 

"Sebastian, that was... that was too kind and amazing, and, if you insist, please, stay with me." Ciel replied while gripping one of the butler's hands. 

"Of course, dear." Sebastian replied with a faint smile, and, before he knew it, Ciel was sound asleep. 

All right guys, I might try to make it a bit... heavier next time, as in add more to Ciel's life so that Sebastian and him can grow even closer! It might be cute, it might be sad, I don't really know yet; anyhow, I hope you're enjoying the story! :3

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