Chapter 12 - A Greater Love

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OMG, I amlegit crying right now! Sebby killed Ciel! T_T (In the show, sorry, I was just introduced to it a few days ago). And I am NOT watching season two because those characters were my LIFE! Anyhow, I shall try my best to update this.  

Ciel opened his eyes to find Sebastian opening the curtains within his room. The light fell  upon his face and burned his eyes, but, still, he didn't move, he just laid there, vulnerable; Sebastian was worried about his lord, but he did nothing this time, he simply walked out of the room to the bathroom and locked the door before falling to his knees and weeping. 

"Lord Ciel,... I am so sorry for all I have done. I have failed in my duties as butler to you." Sebastian said weakly while placing his hand over his heart. 

He was in a deep state of mental decay as his tears augmented and he laid eyes upon the white roses that were all about the bathroom, but they provided no solace as he thought to himself: I have failed miserably... I-I can't possibly want to consume his soul now! I-I couldn't, even if the contract is fulfilled, I couldn't bring myself to do it because I want to see him grow, I want to remain by his side forever, I want him to have a future! No, I am a demon, I shouldn't feel for him! Sebastian clutched his head within his hands tightly and wept harder. 

What am I doing? I should be helping him right now, but I'm just sitting here, wallowing in my grief, what kind of butler is that? I am simply... not one hell of a butler right now, in fact, I am a mess. Allow me to regain my composure. He stood up and straightened out his tailcoat and attire before washing his face. I must be strong, for Ciel. 

Sebastian then exited the bathroom and proceeded to Ciel's room while putting on a false smile because he wanted nothing more than for his lord to smile and look upon him with true joy, after all, he was his loyal butler, until the very end... He opened the door to his lord's room and found him sitting up, awake, on the bed seemingly waiting for Sebastian to come to him. 

"Sebastian, why didn't you wake me up this morning?" He inquired rather crossly. 

"My apologies, I was quite busy this morning." He replied bowing with a smile.

"Doing what?!" 

"I am too ashamed to say..." Sebastian answered with a grave look upon his face. 

"Don't tell me you-!" Ciel exclaimed looking quite embarassed at his own thoughts.

"Of course not, that is not what I meant at all, my lord."

"Were you - crying, then?" Ciel asked with a bewildered expression.

"Me? Heavens no, I would never do that." Sebastian replied while finally closing the door and dressing the young master. 

I'm too ashamed to admit it master, but I cried over you, yes. I want you to be happy, I want to see the world by your side... 

"Sebastian, what are you thinking about?" Ciel inquired curiously. 

"I was just thinking of how - I want to see the world by your side, my lord, and, although I may no longer desire to consume your soul, I still need to be fed." He answered with a smirk and lick of his lips. 

"Hehe, would you like me to fetch you the soul of a cat since you adore them so much?" Ciel said while laughing uncontrollably. 

"That is a kind offer, lord Ciel. I shall take that offer." Sebastian replied while bowing deeply. "Now, if you'll excuse me, my lord." 

"Wait, I want to watch!" Ciel exclaimed with morbid determination. 

"All right, come on then." Sebastian said with a warm, welcoming smile. 

Ciel and Sebastian stumbled outside and it wasn't long before they encountered a black cat and Sebastian devoured its soul. His lord gaped at him as he merely played the role of an innocent butler again by suggesting that they get inside before Ciel caught a cold, they then traversed to Ciel's room and Ciel locked the door before going over to the window, watching the snow fall. 

"Sebastian, why were you crying earlier?" Ciel asked turning to look at him. 

"I-I am not suppossed to feel, this is all wrong, my lord. I want nothing more than to please you, I want to see the world by your side, I want to love you, forever, my lord, please, give me this right! I-I love you, no matter what, I love you, but I am not suppossed to have feelings." Sebastian answered on the verge of tears once again, he felt so stupid for telling his master this. 

"I see, so you are having regrets?" Ciel inquired earning a surprised expression from the butler. 

"My lord, I am a demon, I am not supppossed to feel any sort of emotion, yet, for some reason, you captivate me... I have no regrets." He answered with a smile. 

"Sebastian, I too have no regrets." 

"In that case, sleep with me tonight, you'll experience a thrilling pain." Sebastian said whilst licking his lips. 

"You thrill me too much, Sebastian, but did I tell you that the blood has already fused with mine?" Ciel asked. 

"So, we were meant to be together..." Sebastian whispered with a faint smile. 

"What?! Are you hinting that your blood could have KILLED me?!" Ciel yelled in outrage. 

"Sadly, yes, but it didn't, so we are meant to be together. The only part is... I lied about the demon part, you're still fully human." Sebastian said with a smile. 

"Ugh, I'm not sure how to feel about this..." Ciel said while spacing out on Sebastian. 

"Don't worry, everything is all right, my lord. now, excuse me while I go make your breakfast." 

"Wait, don't! Stay-Stay with me! I want to spend time with you." Ciel gushed. 

"Very well, my lord." Sebastian replied with a cheshire smile. 

Okay, I lied. I will watch season 2. O.O

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