Chapter 3: Combat Skills

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Barret and the other members of Avalanche were slowly putting together the plan to infiltrate and blow up Mako Reactor 2, which gave time for Cloud to continue to patrol the area around the slums.

As for Y/N, it was the day that he will show Tifa his skills in combat he learned when he was a SOLDIER. Y/N still remembered last night that Tifa teased him saying that today is a date for them. Y/N thought to himself as he smirked.

Y/N: you know what Tifa, today is a date

The ex-SOLDIER smirked and got his weapons before he left his apartment room to make his way to Seventh Heaven.

As Y/N walked, his path was blocked by three petty robbers, led by their leader, Beck.

Beck: give us your gil now!

Y/N: why don't you work and earn it yourself

Beck: are you being serious? Just give us the money and we can be on our way!

Y/N: shame such petty thieves like you rob from innocent people who work hard

Beck: enough!

Beck lunged to hit a punch, but Y/N sidestepped out of the way; then a fight erupted as the three robbers try to use the numbers on Y/N, but the ex-SOLDIER made quick work as he easily knock out the robbers without the use of his weapons.

Y/N: that's taken care of

He said as he continued his way to the bar. Y/N went inside to see Tifa with his drink ready.

Y/N: oh, good morning; and you got my drink ready

Tifa smiled as she saw Y/N.

Tifa: I already know what your tastes are

Y/N paid and drank his beverage.

Y/N: so Tifa, ready for our date later?

He said as he smirked while Tifa's eyes widen a bit as she blushed.

Tifa: date?

Y/N: yes, last night you said that today is our date, since I will show you my combat skills

Tifa: oh... yes. Why did I forget that? Of course, I'm ready. I can't wait to see what you learned as a SOLDIER

Y/N: I'm pretty sure you'll be impressed once I show you

Tifa: you had a big impression on me when you exterminated those monsters yesterday

Y/N: I aim to please

Tifa: you sure do...

Y/N: no word yet from Barret?

Tifa: Cloud updated me that the plan is slowly being put together

Y/N: oh okay

Tifa: Y/N, can I ask you something?

Y/N: of course, you can ask me anything

Tifa: that hidden blade on your left arm; Cloud told me that no other SOLDIERs have that weapon, only you do. Is there a story behind it?

Y/N: oh yes, this hidden blade has been in my family for a long time

Tifa: oh wow, I'm surprised that it's still functional

Y/N: because it was really taken care of

Tifa: you mentioned there is story, mind telling me it?

Y/N: well, I don't know all the details, but I did read some manifests of the blade. All I remembered is that it belonged to my great great-grandfather

Tifa's Heaven (Tifa Lockhart x Male Reader) (Final Fantasy VII Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now