Chapter 12: Words Aren't The Only Way To Tell Someone How You Feel

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(Two days later)

Forty-eight hours after Avalanche has successfully brought down another Mako reactor, Tifa's mind has been running wild about how she will move to the next level of her relationship with Y/N.

The two have been dating for a long time, but they have respected each other's boundaries. 

Y/N woke up to see the beautiful bartender asleep on his shoulder; the ex-SOLDIER kissed her head, which made her smile in her sleep. In Y/N's mind, he too was thinking of leveling up his relationship with Tifa.

Y/N was stroking her hair until she slowly moved around and then wake up. Tifa woke up to see her SOLDIER's loving smile.

Y/N: good morning, darling

Tifa: morning you

Y/N: did you sleep well?

Tifa: with you keeping me warm, I did

She giggled as she snuggled into his shoulder while Y/N rubbed her back. Then Tifa went to straddle him and then leaning to kiss and make out with the ex-SOLDIER.

Tifa added more passion as she put her hands on his cheeks to deepen the kiss. The couple were now comfortable which each other's company, so Y/N gathered his confidence to bring his hands down her lower back. The bartender pulled back and smirked.

Tifa: that can wait later, and don't need to be shy, you can bring your hands lower

Y/N gasped and blushed a bit.

Tifa: it's okay Y/N, I love you, and you got my consent

Tifa winked while Y/N breathed a sigh of relief.

Y/N: that's the important thing I needed

Tifa smiled and kissed his cheek.

Tifa: we may got some time off, but I still have a business to run

Y/N: I can be your bouncer

Tifa: an ex-SOLDIER as a bouncer. Those idiot customers will regret messing with you

Y/N: if they hit on you, I will personally show them to the door

Tifa smiled and blushed as the two got up and went down to Seventh Heaven.

Tifa: no need to stand outside, you can do your job as a bouncer inside

Y/N: alright, do I get a discount?

Tifa: if you do a good job

Y/N alright, reporting for duty

Tifa: feel free to play something on the jukebox while I set up

Y/N: got it

While Tifa was prepping for today's service, Y/N scanned through the songs to see a good tune to play.

Y/N: nope. Nope. Nope. Not this one

Tifa: nothing good?

Y/N: still scanning through

Y/N continued to look through until he found a choice he wants.

Y/N: there you are

The ex-SOLDIER put a coin in, and his song choice played.

Tifa smiled and blushed a bit as the music played.

Tifa: you played this on our date

Y/N: one of the reasons why I love this music, it also calms me down

Tifa's Heaven (Tifa Lockhart x Male Reader) (Final Fantasy VII Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now