Chapter 8: Gym Workout

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Following a successful mission together as they were able to get Mako Reactor 3's blueprints and Shinra's big mech files, along with the fact that they are now officially boyfriend and girlfriend, things are looking great for the couple of the ex-SOLDIER and the precious bartender.

Y/N was still asleep in his bed until he heard knocking on his door, but he recognized the voice.

Tifa: Y/N? Babe?

Y/N: yeah?

Tifa: can I come in?

Y/N: sure, come on in

He smiled as his girlfriend came into his room and sat on his bed.

Tifa: how'd you sleep?

Y/N: slept well. I can say the same for you

Tifa: yeah

She smiled as she held his hand.

Y/N: is this real?

Tifa giggled as she stroked his cheek with her hand.

Tifa: it is

Y/N held her hand that was on his cheek.

Y/N: just last night we had a mission together and then we became official

The ex-SOLDIER said as he got closer to Tifa. He kissed her hand which made her blush.

Y/N: so we got some rest and relaxation today, what do you want to do?

Tifa: the town has a gym, we can go there and workout together

Y/N: sounds good to me, I'm curious on how you kept your physique

He said as he checked his girlfriend out, especially on her seriously toned six pack abs. He lightly poked her abs, making Tifa smirk.

Tifa: remember, I may be beautiful, but I'm also strong

Y/N smirked.

Y/N: I'm strong too, my Twin Stinger feels light on me now

Tifa giggled as she kissed his cheek.

Tifa: let's go to the bar and eat something before we go to the gym

Y/N: alright

Tifa: I'll wait for you outside

Tifa left his room, giving Y/N time to get ready.

Y/N got his weapons and met with Tifa outside. The couple made their way to Seventh Heaven to grab a little something to eat.

Y/N: did Cloud leave?

Tifa: yup, he's doing some odd jobs to earn some gil

Y/N: that's Cloud for you, you hire him, he wants his pay

Tifa giggled.

Tifa: yeah

Y/N: and me, I'm just looking for a second chance to be a good guy in the people's eyes; have I known Shinra's true intentions that they're destroying our home

Tifa: we will stop them, don't worry

Y/N nodded as the two reached Seventh Heaven. They went inside and Y/N took a seat while Tifa went to make some drinks.

Tifa: you think you can keep up when we're at the gym?

Y/N: are you proposing a challenge?

Tifa: a challenge to defeat an ex-SOLDIER? Yeah, I'm up for it

Y/N: alright then, what's the challenge?

Tifa: you want to go one on one with me?

Y/N: a SOLDIER never backs down from any contest

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