Chapter 25: Assassination Attempt

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Using the ship as the elevator, the party made their way to the Shinra military complex of Junon. With their bounties on their heads and the intention for Yuffie to do the contract, Cloud and the others must infiltrate the region without getting caught, knowing that the whole region is a restricted area due to the incoming inauguration parade for Shinra's new president, Rufus.

The six snuck into a hangar where they saw platoons of troopers making their way out.

Tifa: those troopers seemed pretty psyched for the parade, huh?

Barret: more like, "eager to prance around their new paymaster." Now I know what y'all gonna say, but I got to ask

Cloud: what?

Barret: if Rufus is in town, are we gonna  let this opportunity pass us by?

Y/N: you forgot the whole region is restricted, if the guards even see us, we'll get busted

Barret: hell, I'm not saying we kill the man, but we oughta at least give him a talking to. Rough him up a little maybe, you know?

Y/N: capture the president in broad daylight in front of the entire freaking military. Good idea, big man

The Assassin SOLDIER said in a sarcastic tone.

Aerith: actually, I'm gonna have to agree. The Turks said, "do whatever, we're not after you"

Y/N: I still have a bone to pick with then

Tifa: okay, but how? We can't just walk up to the president in the street

Y/N: exactly

Cloud: or maybe we can

The party seemed surprised by Cloud's ambition.

Barret: we bust up his parade

Y/N: god damn it

Cloud: no, that's how we die in a hail of bullets like a bunch of dumbasses. The city is crawling with Shinra troopers. We join the parade, hide in plain sight

The last statement reminded Y/N of his ancestor's so called Creed. One of the three tenets is to hide in plain sight.

Y/N: yes, good idea! We get in, get close and get the answers we sought

Tifa: seriously?

Cloud: sure

Aerith: wow! That's good!

Barret: no arguments here

Cloud: Barret, Red. You two find a route to the port, see what security detail is like

Barret: now hold up!

Cloud: fatigues won't be enough to disguise you two

Red XIII: true enough

Barret: shut up

Y/N: I'll go higher ground to scan the perimeter, watch yourselves

Cloud: alright, see you in a bit. I gotta go find a uniform

The party went their ways to scan the area. Y/N climbed high to the top of a nearby building to scan the area of the parade route and the stage set up.

As for Cloud, Aerith and Tifa, they made their way through the warehouse to find the uniforms of Shinra troopers.

Tifa: now we're talkin'!

Aerith: they're actually kinda cool!

Tifa: well, ready to suit up?

Aerith: yup!

The girls made their way to the changing rooms while Cloud followed them.

Aerith: whoa there! Three steps back, if you please! 

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