Chapter 7: Together in One Mission

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(A few days later)

Y/N and Tifa's status is now at a mutual understanding after the two confessed their feelings for each other during their lunch date.

Tifa was at the bar happily humming the music that played on the jukebox while she washed the dishes. Cloud and Barret took notice of this.

Barret: hey Cloud, is Tifa alright?

Cloud: oh yeah she is, and I know why

Tifa continued to hum and smile as she handed the Avalanche members their drinks.

Cloud: Tifa, care to fill in Barret on things?

Barret: yeah, what's going on with you?

Tifa: oh I'm just happy that's all

Cloud: I know why

Barret: just fill me in

Tifa: well guys, Y/N and I had a lunch date a few days ago

Barret: oh a date huh? Well well

Cloud: what happened?

Tifa: we had burgers and fries, Y/N is a really good cook

Cloud: huh, never knew Y/N can cook

Tifa: he's a good cook

Barret: alright, what else happened?

Tifa blushed heavily as she is about to tell everything to her friends.

Tifa: I... I confessed my feelings to him; Y/N also confessed his feelings to me

Barret smirked and proceeded to hum the victory tune.

Cloud: wow! I'm happy for you two

Tifa: well we're not together yet

Cloud: well, that will happen soon

Barret: and Cloud, I have an idea for Tifa and Y/N

Cloud: what?

Barret: well, let's just wait for Y/N to arrive

The party waited for a few minutes until Y/N came in to see everyone.

Y/N: good morning everyone

Tifa: Y/N!

Y/N: hey beautiful

He winked at her, making Tifa blush.

Y/N: so, what's going on?

Barret: you and Tifa are going on a mission together

Y/N a mission together?

He smirked as Tifa blush even more.

Tifa: just the two of us?

Barret: that's right

Y/N: what's the objective, boss?

Barret: Mako Reactor 3's design and structure blueprints

Cloud: we got intel from Biggs, the blueprints are guarded by Shinra's special task force, the Turks

Y/N: who are the ones to watch out for?

Barret: two Turks in particular, Reno and Rude

Y/N: those two always slipped through my fingers when I was close

Cloud: well this may be your chance, man

Y/N: alright, infiltrate another Shinra base, grab the reactor blueprints and get the hell out of there

Tifa's Heaven (Tifa Lockhart x Male Reader) (Final Fantasy VII Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now