Chapter 18: Ascend and Descend

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(continued from the last chapter)

Barret has been impaled by Sephiroth's Masamune and the party are currently fighting the Jenova Dreamweaver, an illusion of fear and despair by Red XIII. Y/N, Cloud, Tifa and Aerith threw everything they had at the monstrosity, slicing and burning every tentacle that spawned.

Y/N unleashed bullets on the tentacles and made each attack to the Dreamweaver count with his hidden blade.

Y/N: this thing won't die!

Cloud: unleash everything you can on it

Y/N: don't have to tell me twice

Tifa: look out!

More of the Dreamweaver tentacles began to sprout from the floor and all four destroyed every tentacle they see before going to work on the main tentacles. Sensing the open window, Y/N dashed, jumped, unleashed his hidden blade and impaled the Dreamweaver on the head, defeating it as it turns into a shadowy hooded cloaked figure.

Cloud went to check on the figure, but he was stopped as Sephiroth appeared before him. Unaware of being an illusion of the fallen hero or not, the ex-SOLDIER can only watch as Sephiroth picked up the figure with an evil smirk on his face. Then Cloud's attention was caught as he saw a Avalanche helicopter coming in, and as he turned around, Sephiroth has disappeared.

Meanwhile, a Whisper popped out of Barret's body and the big man regained consciousness. Tifa, Aerith, Red and Y/N checked on him.

Tifa: Barret! Are you hurt?

Barret placed his hand on the area where Sephiroth impaled him, but he did not feel any pain.

Barret: don't think so

Red XIII: this death was not the one ordained for you by fate

Y/N: come on big man, up you go

Barret then saw the Whisper that saved him, giving it gratitude. Cloud regained his senses, and followed the Whisper up to the location where Sephiroth ascended.

Cloud: Sephiroth!

The silver haired super soldier smirked as he was just an illusion of another hooded shadow figure and Cloud watched as it fell to the ground, unknown of its fate. The ex-SOLDIER climbed down and joined the others just as the Avalanche helicopter was about to land, but then it was shot down by a Shinra helicopter.

Cloud: damn it!

Y/N can see who was piloting the helicopter, and it was none other than the Turks.

Y/N: them again

In the helicopter, someone was about to get off.

Reno: sure you wanna do this personally, boss?

A figure wearing white is seen playing with a coin in his hand as he smirked. Y/N clenched his fist as he recognized the person.

Y/N: Rufus Shinra

Y/N: Rufus Shinra

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Rufus Shinra

Barret: heir to the throne himself

Cloud: yup

Rufus then ordered a squad of his guards to get in position. As Cloud and Barret prepared for a fight, Y/N stopped them.

Y/N: stop

Cloud: what?

Barret: we can finish the family here and now

Y/N: take Tifa and get out of here. I'll buy you guys some time to escape

Cloud: dude, I can stay here and back you up

Y/N: Cloud... I'm asking you... please

Cloud: do what you must

Barret: but you better be right behind us

Barret took off while Cloud guarded Tifa as the party escaped, leaving Y/N to deal with the president's son. The four Shinra guards prepared to apprehend Y/N, but the Assassin unleashed his hidden blades and took all of the guards down.

Rufus: you're a SOLDIER, aren't you? Not just an ordinary one, which means I own you

Y/N: no... ex-SOLDIER. I quit

Rufus: I have heard of your centuries old heritage, let us both test it out... well make that three

The heir to Shinra company said as his ferocious dog Darkstar stood at his side. Then the two got out their pistols and pointed at each other as a fight ensued.

Y/N used his Twin Stinger to guard Rufus' shots while the Assassin strategized into taking out the hound by shooting and also impaling Darkstar with his hidden blade all while avoiding Rufus' offense.

Rufus: impressive, you proved to be worthy of your heritage, a rag tag group of mercenaries fighting in a war they can't win

Y/N grunted as he finally managed to defeat and neutralize the ferocious hound, leaving him with a fair one on one fight with Rufus.

Y/N: now it's just the two of us

Rufus smirked as he tossed two coins up, then shot them with his custom guns to create a laser like shot, but Y/N avoided in time.

Rufus: let's make it a night to remember

Y/N: it's on for real now?

Rufus: yeah. You should be honored

Y/N went for a shot with his Twin Stinger, but Rufus side stepped and fazed him with his custom shotgun.

Y/N: real clever trick you have

Knowing, he can't go for a direct attack, all Y/N can do is to avoid Rufus' shooting, his only window of opportunity is to catch Rufus off guard while he reloads his gun; Y/N took the opportunity and hits Rufus with his Twin Stinger and hidden blades. Y/N's strategy worked and continued to play through it before finishing, defeating and fazed the company vice president.

Rufus wouldn't go down without a fight, so he took out his gun, but he was disarmed as Y/N swiped the gun away.

Y/N: I could end this, here and now

Rufus: no... not quite. Tonight marks a new beginning for Shinra!

Rufus said as he escaped by grabbing the helicopter's skids while Y/N grunted and tries to shoot the chopper, but saw that the chopper was far away; however, the helicopter fired its machine guns at the Assassin, but he blocked with his Twin Stinger while the floor beneath his feet loosens then collapses, but Y/N managed to barely hang on to a support beam.

Y/N struggled to pull himself up due to the fact that he is holding his Twin Stinger, but quickly came running in was his love Tifa, as she anchored herself to a railing and grabbed her lover's hand.

Tifa: you got to be better than this, if you want to play the hero

The bartender used her strength to pull Y/N up safely. Y/N crawled to a safe spot before laying down to catch his breath. Tifa sat beside him and placed his head on her thighs as she slid down his hood.

Tifa: we're all in this together, don't forget that

Y/N smiled slightly as he put his hand on her cheek and stroked it with his thumb.

Y/N: that is a promise I won't forget

Tifa placed her hand on his.

Tifa: please don't scare me like that again

Y/N: I'll won't do anything foolish again

The Assassin sat up and leaned in to kiss his lover on her lips, in which Tifa melted and happily kissed him back. The couple shared a loving embrace and one more quick kiss before running off together to catch up with Cloud and the rest of the party.

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