Chapter 22: Kalm of Five Years

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(Time skip)

The party had arrived at the peaceful town of Kalm and were resting after their long walk from the City of Mako, Midgar. 

Everyone was sound asleep as the sun was rising from the horizon, all except for Y/N, who was not getting enough sleep due to the events he endured from the villa safehouse, especially the strange glowing metal orb, which projected an illusion of Sephiroth and also the unknown vision of Aerith kneeling and praying.

The images played in his mind as he tossed and turned in his bed until he sat up and gasped for air. He turned on his lamp and looked around the room to see everything is normal. He wiped his sweat as he heard knocking on his door.

Y/N: yeah?

Barret: yo Assassin Boy, get your ass up, everyone waitin' for you

Y/N: on my way

Y/N got up and placed his dual hidden blade gauntlets on along with his Twin Saber and joined the others in the living room.

Aerith: hey there!

Y/N: hmm... what's going on?

Barret: Cloud is about to tell us what Sephiroth was like before

Cloud: if Tifa is okay with it

Tifa: uhh yeah sure

Y/N: you're gonna tell me Sephiroth used to be one of the good guys?

Cloud: I don't say good, but he was one of the best warriors then

(Flashback begins)

Cloud went on to tell the story, but in reality it was all false memories and that he was living in his old friend Zack's point of view. 

Y/N: you two went to Nibelheim?

Cloud: yeah. Us and two other Shinra infantrymen were with us that day

Y/N: Sephiroth was testing your skills

Cloud: more like a performance review

Y/N: hmm...

Barret: sounds like Sephiroth was a stand up guy

Cloud: he was at first, until he mentioned his mother, Jenova

The mentioning of Jenova alarmed everyone; it was the name of the experiment of Professor Hojo back at Midgar.

Barret: wait a minute. Jenova, as in the one back in Shinra?

Cloud: yup. That's right

Cloud continued to tell the story and mentioned that Tifa was their tour guide around Mt. Nibel and found an abandoned Mako reactor building, which contained the professor's messed up experiment. Sephiroth then soon found out and questioned himself of his existence, that he is also an experiment of Project Jenova.

Y/N: so he shut himself in the manor for days?

Cloud: he kept reading books, like he's a madman

Y/N: and that's when the hero fell from grace?

(Flashback continues)

Cloud went silent for a few seconds before continuing on with the flashback. He woke up to saw that the village was on fire, and Sephiroth was responsible for it. 

After burning Nibelheim to the ground, Sephiroth went back to the facility and looks to "reunite" with his "mother," Jenova.

The young Tifa pursued the former SOLDIER and saw the dead body of her father. 

Young Tifa: I'm sick of this... I'm sick of all of this!

The tour guide picked up Sephiroth's Masamune and looks to strike the former hero. But as she was about to strike, Sephiroth's strength overwhelmed her.

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