Chapter 17: The Shinra Building Part 2

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As the group pursued Hojo, they came into a huge facility which showcased the professor's treasure and Shinra's biggest secret, the remains of the extraterrestrial known as Jenova.

They then proceeded until Cloud felt that stinging sensation in his head as he slowly moves towards the lifeform of Jenova.

Tifa: Cloud...

Y/N: dude, what are you doing?

As Cloud slowly walks, right in front of him was Sephiroth. The blonde haired ex-SOLDIER shook his head and assumed he was hallucinating.

Cloud: no...

Y/N and Tifa went to help their friend, but Y/N too also felt the sensation and gasped as he saw the One-Winged Angel himself.

Y/N: it can't be... you're dead, spirit!

Sephiroth smirked as he drew out his Masamune sword and pointed at Y/N. Then Cloud let out a scream and charged towards his nightmare as he drew his Buster Sword and clashed with the silver haired heartless angel.

 Then Cloud let out a scream and charged towards his nightmare as he drew his Buster Sword and clashed with the silver haired heartless angel

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Sephiroth: hmm... not yet

Sephiroth knocked Cloud back and sliced the floor, causing the structure to collapse as he disappeared, separating the group in the process.

As the dust settled, Y/N regained consciousness and analyzed his surroundings.

Y/N: what the hell is this?

The SOLDIER Assassin looked around to see test pods containing Hojo's experiments of Unknown Entities made from Jenova cells. Y/N got up and made his way to look for a way out. He could not find Barret, Red XIII or Cloud anywhere until he found the two girls on the floor.

Y/N: Aerith! Tifa!

Y/N knelt next to them and hold their heads until they regained consciousness, making the Assassin sigh in relief.

Y/N: you're okay

Aerith: barely a scratch

Tifa: but where are Red, Barret and Cloud?

Y/N: must've drifted somewhere when the structure collapsed. Let's go find them

Y/N led the the two girls through the lab until they stumble upon some Hellhounds and Unknown Entities.

Y/N: time for a fight

The trio proceeded to battle the strange creatures despite the numbers game advantage for the enemies, but the trio managed to fight off and defeat the creatures. Then a door opened.

Tifa: that must be the exit

The three went through the door and it automatically closed on them.

Aerith: that's strange

Then Professor Hojo's voice was heard over a PA system.

Hojo: ah, I see you three went through the 1st ward of the Drum, how fascinating

Tifa's Heaven (Tifa Lockhart x Male Reader) (Final Fantasy VII Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now